


Top ten famous architects in the world——The architect who brings architecture to life will undoubtedly change our understanding of architecture  

追求內外協調統一:貝聿銘(Pei,Leoh Ming)

貝聿銘,美籍華人建築師,1983年普利茲克獎得主,被譽為「現代建築的最後大師」。貝聿銘作品以公共建築、文教建築為主,被歸類為現代主義建築,善用鋼材、混凝土、玻璃與石材,代表作品有美國華盛頓特區國家藝廊東廂、法國巴黎羅浮宮擴建工程。Pursue internal and external coordination and unity: Pei,Leoh Ming (Pei,Leoh Ming) Pei I.M., a Chinese-American architect and the winner of the Pritzker Prize in 1983, is known as “the last master of modern architecture.” Pei’s works are mainly public buildings, cultural and educational buildings, and are classified as modernist buildings. They make good use of steel, concrete, glass and stone. Representative works include the East Wing of the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC, and the expansion of the Louvre in Paris, France.


瘋子建築大師:安東尼奧・高迪(Antonio Gaudi,1852-1926)
Antonio Gaudi (1852-1926), Spanish architect, representative of the plastic architecture school, belongs to the modernist architectural style. Gaudí once studied at the Barcelona Provincial School of Architecture. After graduation, his early works were similar to the gorgeous Victorian style, and later adopted the historical style, which was the mainstream of the Gothic Revival.


現代建築的旗手: 勒・柯布西耶(Le Corbusier)

The standard bearer of modern architecture: Le Corbusier is the architect who has the greatest impact on contemporary life. He is a Renaissance giant in the 20th century. He is a design master and architect who is full of vitality throughout his life and never ceases to create. Teacher and master of art. He is the most versatile master of the 20th century: architect, planner, furniture designer, modernist painter, sculptor, tapestry designer, and he is also a prolific writer, publishing more than 50 monographs and countless articles.


藝術建築大師:約翰・伍重(Jørn Utzon)

雪梨歌劇院的設計者、丹麥建築設計大師約翰・伍重(Jørn Utzon)2008年12月29日於丹麥逝世,享年90歲。伍重出生於1918年出生於丹麥的哥本哈根,曾經是一名優秀的水手。 2003年,獲得第二十五屆普利茲克獎。伍重是第三代建築師的代表人物,他主張建築必須具有地方意義。
Master of art and architecture: Jørn Utzon. The designer of the Sydney Opera House and Danish architect Jørn Utzon passed away in Denmark on December 29, 2008 at the age of 90. John Utzon (JornUtzon) was born in Copenhagen, Denmark in 1918. He was once an excellent sailor. In 2003, he won the 25th Pulitzer Prize. Wu Zhong is a representative of the third generation of architects. He advocated that architecture must have local significance.


人情化建築理論的倡導者:阿爾瓦・阿爾托(Alvar Aalto)

阿爾瓦·阿爾托(1898—1976)是芬蘭現代建築師,人情化建築理論的倡導者,同時也是一位設計大師及藝術家。阿爾託於1898年2月3日生於芬蘭的庫奧爾塔內小鎮(Kuortane),1921年畢業於赫爾辛基工業專科學校建築學專業。 1923年起,先後在芬蘭的於韋斯屈萊市和土爾庫市開設建築事務所。
Advocates of humanistic architectural theory: Alva Aalto (1898-1976) is a modern Finnish architect, an advocate of humanistic architectural theory, and a master designer and artist. Aalto was born on February 3, 1898 in Kuortane, Finland, and graduated from Helsinki Technical College in 1921 with a major in architecture. Beginning in 1923, successively opened architectural offices in Jyväskylä and Turku, Finland.


創新建築師代表:聖地亞哥・卡拉特拉瓦(Santiago Calatrava )

1951年,卡拉特拉瓦(Santiago Calatrava)生於西班牙瓦倫西亞的貝尼馬米特(Benimamet),在巴倫西亞主修建築與城市設計。 1979年,獲得了瑞士蘇黎世聯邦工學院的結構工程博士學位,隨後留校任教,並開始參加建築設計競賽。 1981年,在蘇黎世開了自己的建築和土木工程事務所。
Representatives of innovative architects: In 1951, Santiago Calatrava was born in Benimamet, Valencia, Spain, and completed a major in architecture and urban design in Valencia. In 1979, he obtained a doctorate in structural engineering from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, and then stayed on to teach at the school and began to participate in architectural design competitions. In 1981, he opened his own architectural and civil engineering firm in Zurich.



1941年安藤忠雄出生於日本大阪。 1957年左右,開始練習職業拳擊。 1959-1961年,考察日本傳統建築。 1962-1969年,遊學於美國、歐洲和非洲。 1969年在大阪成立安藤忠雄建築研究所,設計了許多個人住宅。 2005年,獲得東京大學的終身特別榮譽教授。
Combine the talents of art and wisdom: Tadao Ando was born in Osaka, Japan in 1941. Around 1957, he began to practice professional boxing. From 1959 to 1961, inspected traditional Japanese architecture. From 1962 to 1969, he studied abroad in the United States, Europe and Africa. In 1969, Tadao Ando Architectural Research Institute was established in Osaka and designed many personal residences. In 2005, he was awarded a lifetime special honorary professor at the University of Tokyo.


解構主義大師:札哈・哈蒂德(Zaha Hadid)

札哈・哈迪德(Zaha Hadid),2004年普利茲克建築獎獲獎者。1950年出生於巴格達,哈迪德在黎巴嫩就讀過數學系,1972年進入倫敦的建築聯盟學院AA學習建築學,1977年畢業獲得倫敦建築聯盟碩士學位。哈迪德的設計一向以大膽的造型出名,被稱為建築界的「解構主義大師」。
Master of Deconstruction: Zaha Hadid, winner of the 2004 Pritzker Architecture Prize. Zaha Hadid was born in Baghdad in 1950 and studied mathematics in Lebanon. In 1972, he entered the AA School of Architecture in London to study architecture. In 1977, he graduated with a master’s degree from the London Architecture Alliance. Hadid’s design has always been famous for its bold shapes, and is known as the “master of deconstruction” in the architectural world.


大膽創新勇於突破:倫佐・皮亞諾(Renzo Piano)

倫佐·皮亞諾(RenzoPiano,1937年9月14日-)是意大利當代著名建築師。 1998年第二十屆普利茲克獎得主。因對熱那亞古城保護的貢獻,他亦獲選聯合國教科文組織親善大使。他出生於熱那亞,目前仍生活並工作於這一古城。
Boldly innovate and break through: Renzo Piano (September 14, 1937 -) is a famous contemporary Italian architect. Winner of the twentieth Pritzker Prize in 1998. For his contribution to the protection of the ancient city of Genoa, he was also elected as a UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador. He was born in Genoa and still lives and works in this ancient city.


『高技派』的代表人物:諾曼・福斯特(Norman Foster)

Representatives of “High Tech”: Norman Foster, Bachelor of Architecture, Master of Architecture, member of the Royal Institute of British Architects, one of the most outstanding master architects in the world, and the winner of the 21st Pulitzer Prize for Architecture. Norman Foster particularly emphasized the coexistence of humans and nature, rather than conflicting each other, and emphasized the need to learn from the past cultural patterns and advocate those architectural methods that suit the needs of human life patterns.



Source: 設計能
