旅行|世界知名現場爵士樂熱門景點:老爹喬爵士酒吧|設計盒子DESIGN BOX


旅行|世界知名現場爵士樂熱門景點:老爹喬爵士酒吧|設計盒子DESIGN BOX

老爹喬(Papa Joe)的酒吧餐廳“ Klimperkasten”和“ Strickstrumpf”在科隆舊城區的中心等著爵士樂迷大駕光臨!現場免費讓人們體驗傳統爵士樂的原始氛圍!每天在德國最古老的爵士樂酒吧都能聽到爵士樂的迷人樂音,在柯隆老爹喬酒吧裡提供各種現場音樂,歌舞表演,鋼琴演奏和雜耍表演。體驗科隆酒吧現場的獨特氛圍。在Papa Joe’s,不管是當地居民或是觀光客都會發現科隆精彩的夜生活。

老爹喬(Papa Joe)“ Klimperkasten”是一個咆哮的二零年代風格的酒吧,匯集了獨特的電影放映機、遊戲機以及來自二零年代的自動音樂播放機和販賣機。由於酒吧贊助者的支持以及酒吧的工作人員、音樂家和藝術家的心力與投入,“ Klimperkasten”在過去的22年中已成為德國科隆的一家機構。

The Papa Joe’s pub-restaurants “Klimperkasten and “Strickstrumpf (Cologne dialect:Em Streckstrump) await you in the heart of Cologne’s old town. Experience the unmistakably original atmosphere of traditional jazz – live and free of charge. Jazz can be heard daily in Germany’s oldest jazz venue. To accompany your food and beverages we offer a selection of live music, cabaret, piano playing and vaudeville. Experience this unique atmosphere of Cologne’s pub scene. At Papa Joe’s you will discover Cologne’s night life.

Papa Joe’s saloon, the “Klimperkasten”, is a roaring-twenties style bar with a unique collection of film projectors, illusion- and game-machines and automatic instruments from the twenties, which play hourly. Thanks to the support of our patrons and commitment of our staff, musicians and artists, the “Klimperkasten” has become an institution in Cologne in the last 22 years.


旅行|世界知名現場爵士樂熱門景點:老爹喬爵士酒吧|設計盒子DESIGN BOX

旅行|世界知名現場爵士樂熱門景點:老爹喬爵士酒吧|設計盒子DESIGN BOX

旅行|世界知名現場爵士樂熱門景點:老爹喬爵士酒吧|設計盒子DESIGN BOX

內部可容納約130人,外部可容納約150人。美食包括不同的啤酒特色菜餚、湯品、沙拉等等。對於20人或20人以上的聚會,酒吧也提供自助餐、四道菜的單獨菜單等。這裡提供5種啤酒供您選擇:GaffelKölsch、Karlsberg Pils、KönigsbacherAlt、Maisel的Weizenbeir(小麥啤酒)和Bayerisches Spaten(夏季限定)。

Seating inside for about 130 people and outside for ca.150 people. Cuisine consists of different brewery specialities , soups, salads and much more. For parties of 20 or more people, we offer buffets, individual four course menus, etc. We have 5 draught beers to choose from: Gaffel Kölsch, Karlsberg Pils, Königsbacher Alt, Maisel’s Weizenbeer (wheat beer), and Bayerisches Spaten (only in Summer).

Papa Joe´s讓人想起19世紀的倫敦琴酒屋,是全科隆最可愛、熱鬧的酒吧之一。儘管它的風格獨特,總是有古老而有趣的東西掛在牆上,但這絕對是個旅行者絕佳的私房景點。在這裡,很難分辨酒吧的員工和客人,因為總是有很多怪誕不羈的手風琴音樂來保持啤酒在酒吧裡不斷竄流著,或者,如果幸運的話,您可以走進他們的現場舞廳主題之夜或詩歌朗誦和獨奏音樂會!

Reminiscent of a 19th-century London gin house, Papa Joe’ s is one of the loveliest and liveliest bars in the city. Despite its propensity to hang anything old and funny on the walls, this is far from being a clinical tourist trap. Hard to differentiate between the staff and the clients, there’ s always plenty of ridiculous accordion music to keep the beer flowing, or, if you’ re lucky, you may walk into one of their live ballroom evenings or a bawdy recital of erotic poetry.

旅行|世界知名現場爵士樂熱門景點:老爹喬爵士酒吧|設計盒子DESIGN BOX

多年來,Papa Joe爵士樂已被爵士樂愛好者和音樂家所普遍熟知,並獲得了自稱為「德國最古老且每天有現場爵士樂表演的爵士樂場地」的權利。即使在美國,繼新奧爾良的「保存大廳」之後,Papa Joe’s 也被樂迷們視為「全世界最知名現場爵士樂熱門景點」。

爵士樂樂隊每天都在Papa Joe’s 演出並已經持續了30餘年,並在周日舉行兩次音樂會!入場始終免費,所以何不點一杯道地的科隆啤酒,與人們同樂,欣賞每晚精彩絕倫的現場爵士樂呢?

Over the years Papa Joe’s has become universally known by jazz lovers and musicians and has earned the right to call itself “Germany’s oldest jazz venue with live jazz daily”. Even in the U.S.A. Papa Joe’s jazz venue is – besides the “Preservation Hall” in New Orleans – regarded as “The World Known Hotspot of Live Jazz”.

Jazz bands have been playing in Papa Joe’s daily for 30 years with a double concert on Sundays! Admission is always free.

旅行|世界知名現場爵士樂熱門景點:老爹喬爵士酒吧|設計盒子DESIGN BOX

旅行|世界知名現場爵士樂熱門景點:老爹喬爵士酒吧|設計盒子DESIGN BOX

旅行|世界知名現場爵士樂熱門景點:老爹喬爵士酒吧|設計盒子DESIGN BOX

Source:  http://www.papajoes.de/
