經典豪宅室內設計推薦|九唐酌月|設計盒子DESIGN BOX



擁有不可複制的一線湖景,地理位置得天獨厚。秉承“一山一水一世家”的設計理念,打造出“一線臨湖,領袖山水,別墅群落”。 設計師嘗試從中式院落中尋找一種屬於現代的情感,將人和空間創造關係,給予人們的觀感和體驗是獨特的,產生親近感受:內與外的關係、建築與自然的關係、傳統與當代的關係,而這系列性關係卻是圍繞著提升人們的環境體驗而展開的。
Located at the Dongqian Lake Tourist Area, the villa adjacent to the hills in the southwest and to the lake in the northeast has great view to natural environment. The design idea of “the exclusive natural scenery” presents to the world “the magnificent view, the privileged villas.”
The designer has been trying to spawn the contemporary emotion in the Chinese-style courtyard that connects closer space with people, who experience the unique and intimate impression. A series of relationships e.g. between interior and exterior, between architecture and nature, and between tradition and modern are therefore being established based on people’s environmental experiences.


In attempt to create a deeper relationship, the designer integrate the traditional culture with modern community, of which the essence of traditional elements extraordinarily merge the authenticity of nature with the beauty of humanity that constitute the tranquil environment in metropolis.


The traditional Chinese-style roofs amazingly harmonize with modern-style ceilings. The artless textures of woods and stones generate unique impression and sensitive warmth. The elegant lines and serene atmosphere bring into existence the artistic perception of natural landscapes. The spiritual elements “sedateness and pureness,” which are exclusive at Dongqian Lake, remind people of the poetic lifestyle “Deep in the forest ever unknown; Comes and shines only the bright moon” that accordantly integrates with the open courtyard, and consistently transforms into the charms returning to nature.