Awarding Asia-Pacific’s Industry Drivers in Interior Design
Asia Pacific Space Designers Association (APSDA) to honour those most deserving for their creative ingenuity and hard work.
The Asia Pacific Space Designers Association (APSDA) is thrilled to announce the soon-to-launch APSDAAwards, an awards program honouring excellence in Asia-Pacific’s interior design industry. The goals ofthe awards consist of three main objectives;
- 每兩年對亞太地區最傑出的室內建築師/設計師進行表彰和嘉獎
- 展示亞太地區最佳的設計空間
- 在室內設計實踐中促進專業標準和形象
亞太空間設計大獎計劃於2021 年2 月25 日啟動,旨在尋找室內設計行業的佼佼者,尋找那些具有創造力,承諾,經驗和強大領導才能的人,以幫助他們在充滿挑戰的專業創意氛圍中取得成功 。就獎項的分類而言,將對其進行分類以涵蓋其行業內的兩個不同方面。 “年度項目”和“年度人物”。
Scheduled to be launched on the 25th February 2021, the APSDA Awards seek out the leading-lights of the interior design industry, looking for those whose creativity, commitment, experience and strong leadership which has helped them achieve success in an increasingly challenging professional creative climate. As far as the categorization of the awards is concerned, they will be categorized to cover two different aspects within its industry; ‘Project of the Year’ and ‘Personality of the Year’.
Awarding Asia-Pacific’s Industry Drivers in Interior Design
Asia Pacific Space Designers Association (APSDA) to honour those most deserving for their creative ingenuity and hard work.
The Asia Pacific Space Designers Association (APSDA) is thrilled to announce the soon-to-launch APSDAAwards, an awards program honouring excellence in Asia-Pacific’s interior design industry. The goals ofthe awards consist of three main objectives;
- 每兩年對亞太地區最傑出的室內建築師/設計師進行表彰和嘉獎
- 展示亞太地區最佳的設計空間
- 在室內設計實踐中促進專業標準和形象
亞太空間設計大獎計劃於2021 年2 月25 日啟動,旨在尋找室內設計行業的佼佼者,尋找那些具有創造力,承諾,經驗和強大領導才能的人,以幫助他們在充滿挑戰的專業創意氛圍中取得成功 。就獎項的分類而言,將對其進行分類以涵蓋其行業內的兩個不同方面。 “年度項目”和“年度人物”。
Scheduled to be launched on the 25th February 2021, the APSDA Awards seek out the leading-lights of the interior design industry, looking for those whose creativity, commitment, experience and strong leadership which has helped them achieve success in an increasingly challenging professional creative climate. As far as the categorization of the awards is concerned, they will be categorized to cover two different aspects within its industry; ‘Project of the Year’ and ‘Personality of the Year’.