

以倫敦及雅典為根據地的Neiheiser Argyros建築事務所,將倫敦北格林威治地鐵站的排氣口及太平梯用14公尺高的穿孔金屬板進行美化,並打造出一系列視覺上令人驚豔的結構性屏風。

London and Athens-based architecture studio  Neiheiser Argyros  has wrapped the exhaust vent and fire escape of London’s underground station North Greenwich with a visually stunning 14-meter tall perforated metal sculptured screen.

空間設計|以明蔽蔭:英國北格林威治地鐵站雕塑屏風|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|以明蔽蔭:英國北格林威治地鐵站雕塑屏風|設計盒子DESIGNBOX


Named ‘North Greenwich Sculptural Screen’, the monumental object is characterized by its angular form. Wrapped in corrugated aluminum, the structure’s facade is perforated, granting it an almost translucent quality and generating playful patterns of light. “The corrugated metal skin both obscures and reveals the infrastructure contained within, creating a subtly dynamic veil that changes expression throughout the day,” explains the firm. Lightweight yet strong, the shell-like enclosure acts as a camouflage while incorporating a large digital media screen, public restrooms, and a small cafe concealed by a full-height bi-fold door.

空間設計|以明蔽蔭:英國北格林威治地鐵站雕塑屏風|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|以明蔽蔭:英國北格林威治地鐵站雕塑屏風|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|以明蔽蔭:英國北格林威治地鐵站雕塑屏風|設計盒子DESIGNBOX

與周圍強烈的幾何建築相比,北格林威治雕塑屏風相對的更加淡入背景,顯得不那麼突出。然而,隨著太陽移動,穿孔波浪板完美的捕捉到日光,為該建築描繪出清晰俐落的輪廓。設計師精心設計,希望讓這個建築與相鄰的潮汐高架線性公園(The Tide  elevated linear park)產生對話。該公園是Neiheiser Argyros建築事務所與Diller Scofidio + Renfro設計工作室共同合作的項目之一。透過兩個項目交織卻不相接、對比卻不產生衝突,設計師希望這兩座建築項目——有稜有角卻輕透的建築屏風,以及曲線流暢但強壯厚實的公園——能共舞出一首完美的曲目。

Fading into the background and distorting the light that passes through, the structure is unobtrusive compared to the eclectic geometries that surround it. However, as its perforated metal catches the light throughout the day, the architecture snaps suddenly into crisp view. The project was meticulously designed to be in a dialog with the adjacent  Tide  elevated linear park, conceived by the same firm, together with  Diller Scofidio + Renfro. “The two works of architecture are geometrically twisting past one another—almost dancing—though they never touch and are expressed with intentionally contrasting visual languages. While the Tide is curved and solid, the screen enclosure is angular and translucent,” concludes the firm.

空間設計|以明蔽蔭:英國北格林威治地鐵站雕塑屏風|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|以明蔽蔭:英國北格林威治地鐵站雕塑屏風|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|以明蔽蔭:英國北格林威治地鐵站雕塑屏風|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|以明蔽蔭:英國北格林威治地鐵站雕塑屏風|設計盒子DESIGNBOX

Designer: Neiheiser Argyros

Project: North Greenwich Sculptural Screen

Photography: Lorenzo Zandri

Word: Devid Gualandris

Source: Ignant
