空間設計|來自星際的熊熊飛船——王勝傑作品《Beary High》|設計盒子DESIGNBOX

來自星際的熊熊飛船——王勝傑作品《Beary High》

This is a penthouse at The Tembusu condominium with a built-in area of 363 square meters. It houses a young couple with a baby, a toddler and their 2 domestic helpers with the occasional visits from the parents.

空間設計|來自星際的熊熊飛船——王勝傑作品《Beary High》|設計盒子DESIGNBOX

Owners are avid collectors of the Be@rbrick art toys and wanted a place in the massive home to exhibit them. Thus, the design narrative started with a platoon of bears from outer space coming to Earth and settling on top of a Tembusu tree in a vast rainforest.

空間設計|來自星際的熊熊飛船——王勝傑作品《Beary High》|設計盒子DESIGNBOX

利用了頂層公寓的高頂,設計師利用了「注射建築學」的原理,把熊熊的大型「飛船」展示櫃注射在客廳中央,作為視覺焦點。 這個展示櫃背後做了「無限空間」的視覺處理,感覺後面還有更深入的空間。 在外觀上,鋁材外殼的處理也讓參觀者感覺到展示櫃和背後的電視牆是一體的。
Exploiting the 4.6m high ceiling of the penthouse, a “spaceship” for the bears was created to take center stage for the living area. Using the methodology of “Injecting Architecture”, the irregularly-shaped floor plan is being carved in such a way that the entire space is seemingly defined by the few families of volumetric forms that were “injected”.

空間設計|來自星際的熊熊飛船——王勝傑作品《Beary High》|設計盒子DESIGNBOX

The curved ceiling balanced the seemingly high-tech vibe of the home with a slight vernacular touch. This is also amplified by the selection of loose furniture like the “Ming” dining chairs and the timber furniture beneath. This dichotomy of stylistic approaches seemed to have worked wonders for a typical modern Chinese family which are often divided in opinions between traditional and contemporary looks.

空間設計|來自星際的熊熊飛船——王勝傑作品《Beary High》|設計盒子DESIGNBOX

空間設計|來自星際的熊熊飛船——王勝傑作品《Beary High》|設計盒子DESIGNBOX

The outdoor cabinet system hides a 6-meter-long flip-down, bi-fold feasting table for that weekly gatherings that the owners intend to organize.

空間設計|來自星際的熊熊飛船——王勝傑作品《Beary High》|設計盒子DESIGNBOX

Above the dry Kitchen, the veneer-cladded fin-ceiling emulates the flow and random patterns of the rainforest canopies and overhanging roots. Lights are tucked in between the fins, mimicking the daylight seeping through the forest canopies. Flanked by the wet kitchen and the service yard, the alleyway transit one from the huge “public” to the “private” zone where the family area, the liquor room and the 5 bedrooms are located. The encased family TV cabinet system forms the rear of the aluminum-clad “spaceship”. The lighting of the fin-ceiling transited from spotlights to strip lighting at the family area to create an impression of a skylight above.

空間設計|來自星際的熊熊飛船——王勝傑作品《Beary High》|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|來自星際的熊熊飛船——王勝傑作品《Beary High》|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|來自星際的熊熊飛船——王勝傑作品《Beary High》|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|來自星際的熊熊飛船——王勝傑作品《Beary High》|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|來自星際的熊熊飛船——王勝傑作品《Beary High》|設計盒子DESIGNBOX

The original master study was converted to liquor room as the male owner is an avid collector of liquor and spirits. Thus, all walls within need to be dedicated to the displaying of the collection.

空間設計|來自星際的熊熊飛船——王勝傑作品《Beary High》|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|來自星際的熊熊飛船——王勝傑作品《Beary High》|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|來自星際的熊熊飛船——王勝傑作品《Beary High》|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|來自星際的熊熊飛船——王勝傑作品《Beary High》|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|來自星際的熊熊飛船——王勝傑作品《Beary High》|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|來自星際的熊熊飛船——王勝傑作品《Beary High》|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|來自星際的熊熊飛船——王勝傑作品《Beary High》|設計盒子DESIGNBOX

項目名稱: Beary High
項目地點: 新加坡Tembusu 公寓
面積 : 363 sqm
設計師 : Keat Ong 王勝傑
設計事務所: Keat Ong Design (KOD)
裝修公司: Sky Creation Asia (SCA)