加拿大Henriquez Partners建築師事務所-加拿大1770 Pendrell

A backdrop to the vibrant seawall waterfront, Pendrell contributes critical purpose-built rentals to the West End – one of Vancouver’s most densely populated neighborhoods.

Inspired by its maritime context and the modernism of Vancouver’s 1960s towers, Pendrell’s design is split into two blocks, animated with traditional West End architectural elements including concrete construction, ribbon windows and landscaped setbacks. A unifying steel frame ties these elements together, recalling cargo ships anchored in the nearby harbor. The frame geometry is further punctuated with wooden-slatted privacy screens.

Similar in scale to buildings from the 1950s-1970s, the design reduces impact on private views and minimizes shadowing on public open space. View corridors to neighboring parks are carefully preserved, and the western block shifts south, maintaining the northern neighbor’s panoramic English Bay views.

Ground-level landscaping includes a distinctive laneway activation to provide beach and car share access to residents, and a Japanese Zen Garden reinterprets the traditional West End garden with an Asian influence, complementing the architecture’s clean, modern aesthetic. A public art piece, “Still Standing” by Samuel Roy-Bois, evokes cedar shake cottages that populated the area 100 years ago.
Fulfilling an important social sustainability objective, Pendrell introduces 173 market rentals with 26 units secured as affordable and approximately half of all units comprising family-sized, two- or three-bedroom units.

The roof terrace’s shared amenity provides urban agriculture, encouraging food security. Pendrell also establishes an innovative district energy node as the primary, sustainable energy source for a new hot water network, designed to grow with demand.




地面景觀設計包括活化的巷道,提供通往海灘和汽車共享的便利通道。此外,還有重新詮釋的日本禪宗花園,該花園融合了受亞洲影響的西區傳統園林風格,與建築乾淨、現代的美學相得益彰。由Samuel Roy-Bois創作的公共藝術作品《Still Standing》,喚起人們對100年前該地區雪松小屋的記憶。




本作品榮獲:2023 美國未來房屋設計獎 Future House Award 住宅-塔樓 (塔式建築) Residential Towers 類別 Winner 優勝獎








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