藝術設計|城市裡的每一張臉,都是最美的風景——KesselsKramer〈洛杉磯公民〉|設計盒子DESIGN BOX


奢華精品市民酒店(citizenM)進軍美國洛杉磯,開設citizenM LA。為了慶祝開幕,酒店請來知名倫敦獨立廣告代理商KesselsKramer操刀。KesselsKramer則選擇聚焦於在地的獨特與創意,為那些「沒沒無聞卻持續付出,並打造出洛城城區」的在地小民,打上一展耀眼奪目的聚光燈。
The affordable luxury hotel citizenM has recently opened its Los Angeles branch. To signify the opening, the London and LA-based agency KesselsKramer has shone a bright Hollywood-esque spotlight on the “less famous but no less important faces” that make up the communities of Downtown LA.

藝術設計|城市裡的每一張臉,都是最美的風景——KesselsKramer〈洛杉磯公民〉|設計盒子DESIGN BOX

這些洛城的市民由在地攝影師 Corinne Schiavone掌鏡。透過拍立得相機,Schiavone拍下了52位兼具創意性及藝術性的當地居民。這樣的選擇不僅營造出一種獨特的復古美感,更模仿了好萊塢的選角攝影,捕捉了城市的特性。KesselsKramer希望透過這批「選角」,反射出這座城市多元活潑的組成,讓這些窗戶成為城市人口的切片。從藝人到人權擁護者,夜店公關到音樂家及藝術家,甚至是奉獻私人時間來為「黑人的命也是命(Black Lives Matter)」活動參與者供餐的大廚。
Citizens of LA was photographed by Downtown local Corinne Schiavone who took the pictures of 52 creative and artistic locals using a Polaroid – a camera synonymous with Hollywood casting calls – aiming to capture the personality of the city. KesselsKramer hopes that the “cast” of characters who fill the windows reflects a cross-section of local LA society – from entertainers to human-rights advocates, queer club night promoters to musicians and artists, even chefs who used their time and money cooking meals for Black Lives Matter campaigners.

藝術設計|城市裡的每一張臉,都是最美的風景——KesselsKramer〈洛杉磯公民〉|設計盒子DESIGN BOX

活動的目標是要展示出勤奮的個人如何激勵他人,並促成改變來提昇社區。Buck Angel是本次活動聚焦的人物之一,他是一位跨性別男性,從前擔任豔星,現在則是一位人權運動的倡議者,並在各地演說,用自身的故事鼓勵他人的改變。「Angel的臉,和其他51張被選中的臉,精準地描繪了這座城市對於異類的極端包容與支持。」Melinda Lee Holm,作家、塔羅女祭司,以及洛杉磯市區居民,如此說道。
The aim was to demonstrate how hard-working individuals are working creatively to inspire change in their communities and the district. Buck Angel is one of those spotlighted, a trans man who turned a porn career into a human-rights advocacy career and has since taken up motivational speaking. Angel’s face and the 51 others are painting a picture of an LA which has “an atmosphere of radical acceptance and radical support for outliers”, as described by Melinda Lee Holm, another Downtown LA regular who works as a Tarot priestess and author in the area.

藝術設計|城市裡的每一張臉,都是最美的風景——KesselsKramer〈洛杉磯公民〉|設計盒子DESIGN BOX

藝術設計|城市裡的每一張臉,都是最美的風景——KesselsKramer〈洛杉磯公民〉|設計盒子DESIGN BOX市民酒店citizenM也希望能在美國以外的地區打響名號。過去幾年,該酒店陸續在瑞士蘇黎世、荷蘭阿姆斯特丹、丹麥哥本哈根等地設立據點,並透過相似的手法來展現城市中真正的居民。未來我們也可以期待,下一站會是哪裡,而citizenM又會為我們帶來怎樣的面孔呢?
The hotel company citizenM is also hoping to make its mark outside the US. It has opened up European branches in Zurich, Amsterdam and Copenhagen, holding similar exhibitions in these places, showcasing real denizens of those cities. Citizens of LA is free all day and night during August up until the hotel’s opening on 23rd August. 

藝術設計|城市裡的每一張臉,都是最美的風景——KesselsKramer〈洛杉磯公民〉|設計盒子DESIGN BOX



Images: KesselsKramer
Words: Dalia Al-Dujaili
Source: It’s Nice That