奧地利歷史保護飯店Hotel Badeschloss

Built between 1791 and 1888, Hotel Straubinger, Badeschloss and Alte Post have long served as an emblem of the spa town’s Bad Gastein historical centre and are heritage-protected. “Working with the layers of the past” was the architect‘s guiding principle, being responsible for renovation, new built and interior design.

The hotel Badeschloss celebrates its own history, while taking a playful approach to bathing culture. It is a place where the past meets the present, its atmosphere is vibrant and sociable. The name – Badeschloss – means “bathing palace”, which describes what the hotel is all about.

The community table is clad with white tiles, the yellow table in the lobby is reminiscent of a diving board, the guidance system is inspired by swimming pools, as is the open kitchen. A long wall of lockers – which recalls the changing rooms in public baths – serves as a cloakroom for locals who want to join the party.

In the core of the old building, the F&B areas are located, each room designed according to a baroque sequence of spaces. Following the overall theme, only a “light layer” in the form of light blue wall tiles was added to the restaurant, three original Lobmeyr chandeliers were updated to modern standards, the solid wood floor restored, and a “new layer” added with neon accents on benches and tables.

A specially curated art concept was developed with the local art festival.

The rooftop spa in the newbuild spans three floors, and the spacious terrace on the 13th floor boasts a rooftop pool with stunning glass crystal steps. The modern signature wall with lettering spelling out “Alpine Swim Club” sets the tone, complemented by wavy metal lines, wooden slats, flashes of cobalt blue, and a terrazzo look.

The 102 guest rooms of the Badeschloss are spread out across the original building and the newbuild. “A bath you can spend the night in” is the concept for the exclusive rooms.

Hotel Straubinger、Badeschloss 和 Alte Post 建於1791年至1888年間,長期以來一直是溫泉小鎮巴德加斯坦歷史中心的象徵,並受到遺產保護。「與過去的層級一起工作」是建築師的指導原則,負責翻修、新建和室內設計。

Badeschloss 酒店頌揚自己的歷史,同時以有趣的方式展現沐浴文化。這裡是過去與現在交會的地方,氛圍充滿活力和社交。「Badeschloss」這個名字意為「沐浴宮殿」,描述了這家酒店的特色。




新建築的屋頂水療中心橫跨三層,第13層的寬敞露台設有屋頂游泳池和令人驚嘆的玻璃水晶台階。帶有“Alpine Swim Club”字樣的現代標誌牆奠定了基調,輔以波浪形金屬線條、木板條、閃爍的鈷藍色和水磨石外觀。

本作品榮獲:2024IAA倫敦設計獎London Design Awards第一季 室內設計 – 飯店及度假村 類別 白金獎








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