

形似現代主義建築大師凡德羅(Mies van der Rohe)1929年經典作品《巴塞隆納德國館(Barcelona Pavilion)》,《玫瑰公館(Rose House)》是一座落於烏克蘭山間的現代極簡主義住宅。

Reminiscent of Mies van der Rohe’s iconic pavilion in Barcelona, the ‘Rose House‘ is a minimalist residence hidden in the Ukrainian mountains.

空間設計|山間的紅玫瑰——烏克蘭《玫瑰公館》,看盡山中的樹與美|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|山間的紅玫瑰——烏克蘭《玫瑰公館》,看盡山中的樹與美|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|山間的紅玫瑰——烏克蘭《玫瑰公館》,看盡山中的樹與美|設計盒子DESIGNBOX

由烏克蘭當地的建築事務所Sergey Makhno Architects規劃,《玫瑰公館》目前僅是出3D效果圖,卻足以讓我們一窺這間山間現代別墅的靜謐之美。該案建築結構由水泥、耐候鋼及玻璃構成,建構出一座開放式的開闊空間。伴隨著周邊的山景及鬱鬱森林,庭院中央坐落著簡約時尚的泳池,邊上則矗立著一座令人發人深省的雕像,提醒人們時刻對自然保持敬畏之心。透過細膩的設計手法,《玫瑰公館》呈現了一個極為複雜卻又不明顯的建築輪廓:乍看之下簡單明瞭,其中卻充滿細節。
The project was prepared by Sergey Makhno Architects, Ukrainian studio based in Kyiv. The studio has released the renderings, made with the use of such programs as 3DS Max and Corona Renderer. The images show the structure made of concrete, weathering steel and glass. With a delightfully stylish pool on the courtyard, accompanied by an intriguing statue, the project carries out a sophisticated yet non-obvious architectural profile.

空間設計|山間的紅玫瑰——烏克蘭《玫瑰公館》,看盡山中的樹與美|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|山間的紅玫瑰——烏克蘭《玫瑰公館》,看盡山中的樹與美|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|山間的紅玫瑰——烏克蘭《玫瑰公館》,看盡山中的樹與美|設計盒子DESIGNBOX

The house was thought as an escape for the client, a businessman living in a big metropolis, who would like to get away from the bustling city from time to time. The project’s name, ‘Red Rose’, is a reference to the reaction of steel cladding to the natural environment, resulting in an elegant, mysterious tone of red.


WORDS: Monika Mróz
All images © Sergey Makhno Architects
Source: Ignant