旅行|抬頭仰望群星,俯視歷史長河——希臘的雅典國家天文台|設計盒子DESIGN BOX


成立於1842年的雅典國家天文台(The National Observatory of Athens,NOA)是目前南歐最古老的研究機構之一。這座圓頂的新古典主義建築坐落在寧芙山丘之上,向下能俯瞰千年古城衛城,向上則能仰望蒼穹與群星。

The National Observatory of Athens (NOA), is one of the oldest research institutes in Southern Europe: founded in 1842, the domed Neoclassic building sits at the top of Nymphs’ Hill, casting views to the Acropolis below and the skies above.

旅行|抬頭仰望群星,俯視歷史長河——希臘的雅典國家天文台|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
從普尼克斯遠眺衛城和希德羅・阿提克斯劇場。View of the Acropolis and the Odeon of Herodes Atticus, from the Pnyx Hill.

在一個溫暖的雅典午後,活躍於倫敦的希臘攝影師Ellie Tsatsou獲准於雅典國家天文台內拍攝,並將這些古老設備的美好留存於影像之中。天文台最早的建築是由希臘銀行家喬治・辛納斯(Georgios Sinas)所捐贈的辛納斯大樓。由丹麥建築師特奧費爾・翰森(Theophil Hansen)設計,並在設計過程中參考了天文學家及其他相關學者的意見,這座十字形的建築坐落在山丘上,守望著雅典最著名的地標。

On a typically warm Athenian day, London-based, Greek photographer Ellie Tsatsou took a path that wound up the hillside and finished inside NOA where she was granted permission to shoot some of the oldest, and most beautiful, pieces of equipment there. The original building of the Observatory is known as the Sinas Building, an ode to its benefactor Georgios Sinas, a Greek Consul. Designed by Danish architect Theophil Hansen, with input from both professors and astronomers, the building is cruciform in structure and sits on a hillside that overlooks some of Athen’s most celebrated historical landmarks.

旅行|抬頭仰望群星,俯視歷史長河——希臘的雅典國家天文台|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
雅典國家天文台建立在寧芙山丘之上,旁邊有塊巨石刻著「ΗΙΕΡΟΝ ΝΥΜΦ ΔΕΜΟ」,該雕刻可被追朔至西元前五世紀。“ΗΙΕΡΟΝ ΝΥΜΦ ΔΕΜΟ”
 (inscription dated 5th century B.C.) NOA is built on Nymph’s Hill.


Designed utilizing elements of both the Byzantine and Neoclassical orders, each of the four wings of the Observatory aligns with a cardinal point, offering four different horizons. At the center of the historic building is the dome, hinged so as to enable stargazing via telescope.

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雅典國雅典國家天文館辛納斯大樓的立面。The facade of the National Observatory of Athens, the Sinas Building (1842) in Thissio.

旅行|抬頭仰望群星,俯視歷史長河——希臘的雅典國家天文台|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
拉丁文「Servare Intaminatum」,意指「保持原樣」。在上面是辛納斯家族的家徽,被兩隻獅子擁抱。圓頂頂部的裝飾則是一隻做為風向標的半人魚馬。’Servare Intaminatum’, meaning ‘To Remain Intact’. Above it, the coat of arms of the Sinas family, embraced by two lions. The very top of the dome is decorated with a fish centaur that acts as a weather vane.


NOA’s Visitor Center, housed in the Sinas Building, is open to the public and is designed to fuel stargazers passion. Within its ancient walls are two centuries of Greek astronomical history housed across a Geoastrophysics Museum and the library of the Observatory. Here, set against dark wood shelves bulging with leather-bound tomes, stand a selection of 19th-century instruments and maps, used to determine the coordinates of celestial bodies.

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圖書館館內展示的蔡司80mm天文望遠鏡。A Carl Zeiss 80mm Telescope inside the historic library of NOA.

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在辛納斯大樓中的裝飾與衛城風格上十分相似,都有著頗具代表性的蕨葉圖案。The interior of the dome of the Sinas building is decorated with ‘anthemia’, depictions similar to the ones that decorate the Acropolis.

旅行|抬頭仰望群星,俯視歷史長河——希臘的雅典國家天文台|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
辛納斯大樓中1845年的Ploessl 天文望遠鏡細節。Detail of the Ploessl telescope (dated 1845) at Sinas building’s dome.

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圖書館中的豐富館藏。Detail of the cover of a historic astronomy book, part of the collections of NOA.

旅行|抬頭仰望群星,俯視歷史長河——希臘的雅典國家天文台|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
辛納斯大樓中1845年的Ploessl 天文望遠鏡。The Ploessl telescope (dated 1845) inside Sinas building’s dome.

旅行|抬頭仰望群星,俯視歷史長河——希臘的雅典國家天文台|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
雅典國雅典國家天文館圖書館。The library of NOA.

旅行|抬頭仰望群星,俯視歷史長河——希臘的雅典國家天文台|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
2016年重製版的安提基特拉機械 使用說明(該機械是西元前一到二世紀古希臘人用於計算天體在空中的位置的工具)。Instructions of the Antikythera Mechanism, modern reproduction (2016). 

旅行|抬頭仰望群星,俯視歷史長河——希臘的雅典國家天文台|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
2016年重製版的安提基特拉機械(大小比例1:3)Modern reproduction (2016, ratio 3:1) of the Antikythera Mechanism, an ancient (dated 1st-2nd century B.C.) Greek analog computer and orrery used to predict astronomical positions and eclipses for calendar and astrological purposes decades in advance.

旅行|抬頭仰望群星,俯視歷史長河——希臘的雅典國家天文台|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
安提基安提基特拉機械細節。Details of the Antikythera Mechanism, modern reproduction (2016).

旅行|抬頭仰望群星,俯視歷史長河——希臘的雅典國家天文台|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
光線透過安提基特拉機械,投下充滿詩意的影子。Shadows of the Antikythera Mechanism, modern reproduction (2016)

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1898年由P. Gautier製作的162mm Meridian 望遠鏡。The micrometer of the Meridian Telescope Syggros 162mm, constructed by P. Gautier (dated 1898)

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從圖書館遙望對面的衛城山丘。Floor Standing Binoculars Carl Zeiss – Asiola 60mm, overlooking the Acropolis hill.

旅行|抬頭仰望群星,俯視歷史長河——希臘的雅典國家天文台|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
天文學天文攝影師Theophanis Matsopoulos所拍攝的仙女座星系。Pointing to the spiral heart of the Andromeda Galaxy as shot by astrophotographer Theophanis Matsopoulos.

旅行|抬頭仰望群星,俯視歷史長河——希臘的雅典國家天文台|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
由Doridis天文望遠鏡所觀測到的紅超巨星參宿四,又被稱為獵戶座α,是目前全天第九亮星,也是獵戶座第二亮星。距離地球642.5光年。Red giant star ‘Betelgeuse’, as observed through the Doridis Telescope. Also called ‘Alpha Orionis’, it is the ninth brightest star in the night sky, the second brightest in the constellation of Orion, and is 642.5 light years away from Earth.

PROJECT: Ellie Tsatsou
LOCATION: National Observatory in Athens, Athens · Greece
IMAGES: Ellie Tsatsou
WORDS: Rosie Flanagan
Source: Ignant
