沙漠中的心靈避難所 Landroom
以色列建築工作室Gitai Architects最新的作品,是一座名為《地屋》的極簡建築。座落在以色列內蓋夫沙漠中的拉蒙坑附近,《地屋》是一座由六平方公尺大,僅能容納兩人的觀測所。為了融入周邊環境,並避免造成不必要的浪費,該建築所使用的夯土及石材均來自附近的拉蒙坑。
A minimalist structure titled ‘Landroom’ is the latest project by Israeli studio Gitai Architects, a two-person observatory that is constructed from rammed earth and stones from the nearby Mitzpe Ramon Crater.
The architectural piece was designed as a refuge, as “a gateway to the stars in times of crisis,” explains a statement from the firm. Its purpose fluctuates depending on the time of day: in daylight hours it provides protection from the rays of the sun, while in the evening, it exists as an observatory for those interested in astronomy. Measuring at 6 square meters in size, the ‘Landroom’ can hold a space for just two people at once. The square structure has a circular interior and opens out toward the desert. The project was built entirely from earth and sand from the nearby Ramon Crater, as well as stones found at the site.
Designer: Gitai Architects
Words: Stephanie Wade
Image: Dan Bronfeld
Source: Ignant
Translate & Edit: Alexis Wu