藝文展覽|知覺風暴|設計盒子DESIGN BOX


2017年,「The Top 10 of Asia」於吉隆坡文華東方酒店舉辦的頒獎典禮上,來自印尼的新銳藝術家伊亞拜迪歐・匹可獲頒「2017年度十大最受矚目亞洲視覺藝術家」之殊榮

並自此獲得國際大眾媒體的注意。繼2016年的駐村合作計畫後,2018 年1月,路由藝術再度邀請匹可來台,舉辦在台個展,這次包含的十件作品為匹可在 2016 到 2017 年期間的系列新作,並於1月13日(六)下午三點舉辦開幕暨藝術家座談會,匹可將來到現場和大家談談他的作品及創作歷程。 
2017, The Indonesian artist Iabadiou Piko, was crowned as “TOP 10 RECOGNITION ASIA’S MOST INSPIRING VISUAL ARTIST 2017.” from “The Top 10 of Asia “at Mandarin Oriental, Kuala Lumpur. And this emerging artist has finally won the attention of the international media. After the Luzhu village residency program we did with Piko in 2016, we will once again invite Piko to come to Taiwan to have a solo exhibition in January 2018. The exhibition will open and have an artist talk at 3 pm on January 13 (Saturday). Piko will personally participate in and talk about his works and share his creative process. 

。在感知風暴中Di antara Badai Persepsi( Between the Storm of Perception)
(2017)  Oil Bar , Relief Paint, Spray Paint on Canvas 160 x 145 cm


。見藍 Melihat Biru( Seeing The Blue)
(2017) Acrylic, Bitumen, Oil, Oil Bar, Relief Paint on Canvas 160 x 145 cm


。綠色扭曲 Distorsi Hijau (Green Distortion)
(2017)  Acrylic, Bitumen, Oil Bar, Charcoal, Pencil Colour, Relief Paint Marker on Canvas 145 x 120 cm


Born in 1984, received his post-graduate degree in Photography from Academy of Design Vision in Yogyakarta, Piko has started his painting career since then. Aside from the ordinary media such as charcoal, oil paints and acrylics, he also employs many rare materials like volcanic ashes and bitumen. The usage of these elements, undoubtedly relates to his motherland Indonesia, due to its  intensive volcanic activity. Piko’s work portrays the memories in daily life with abstract and poetic atmosphere. By using the intuitive techniques to capture memories, feelings and imagination, he turn them into a visual diary, an metaphor of life.


。心神不寧的藍Menganggu Biru (Disturb Blue)
(2017)  Acrylic, Bitumen, Oil Bar, Relief Paint, Spray Paint on Canvas 145 x 120 cm


。黃色上的感知 Persepsi Di atas Kuning (Perception Above Yellow)
(2107)  Acrylic, Bitumen, Oil Bar, Charcoal, Pencil, Spray Paint, Relief Paint on Canvas 160 x 145 cm


。喧鬧中的綠 Hijau Di antara Berisik (Green Among The Noisy)
(2017)  Acrylic, Bitumen, Oil, Oil Bar, Spray Paint Marker on Canvas 160 x 145 cm 


In Piko’s new series, aside from his continuity in the past concept, Piko goes a further step in color and content, a diary-like painting accompanied by the brand new elements: the heap of paints, the trend of lines, the blending of colors, and all these elements, along with artist’s struggles and emotions, are entirely exposed to the viewers. Although the scenarios on the canvas are the artist’s objective observation of the surroundings and the nature, they are subjectively mixed with Piko’s imagination: the beasts transformed from his inner world, the birds flying around as angels. As form of expressionism, we sense the artist’s surrealist spirit.


。紅色景觀 Pemandangan Dalam Merah (Landscape In Red)
(2016) Acrylic, Bitumen on Canvas 160 x 145 cm


。知覺心智空間  Ruang Benak Persepsi (Perception Mind Space)
(2017)  Acrylic, Oil, Oil Bar, Relief Paint, Pencil Colour on Canvas 160 x 145 cm


。線上的寂靜 Sunyi Dalam Garis (Silence In Line)
(2017)  Acrylic, Oil, Oil Bar, Charcoal, Pencil Colour, Pencil on Canvas 160 x 145 cm


文章來源:Nunu Fine Art