As the only skyscraper designed by world-renowned architect Eero Saarinen, 51 W 52nd Street is a singular icon of classic New York architecture. When CBS CEO William Paley acquired the site in 1960, he tapped Saarinen to build what the architect would dub “the simplest skyscraper in New York.” Characterized by its dark granite diamond-shaped piers, the revolutionary design of the “Black Rock” created 880,000 square feet of column-free space as it rose like a solid rock from the ground. However, the tinted glass between the piers obscured the lobby, and the building’s original programming did not accommodate a hospitable experience. Harbor Group acquired the trophy asset in 2021 and set forth to re-envision this treasured landmark while respecting and celebrating the original architecture.
The repositioning of this iconic New York tower celebrates Saarinen’s original design intent while preparing it for modern tenancy through trophy-caliber amenity offerings. In the first design phase, the team restored the landmarked plaza to its previous grandeur. Saarinen envisioned a sunken plaza that would allow the tower to “stand alone with air and light around it.” Over time, the addition of planters and signage distracted from the simplicity of Saarinen’s original vision. As part of a thoughtful approach in collaboration with the NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission, the restoration simplifies the plaza experience, exposing the original stone seating ledges and specifying new accent lighting to enhance the public space.
Second, the renovated 52nd Street lobby “uncovers the Black Rock”, showcasing Saarinen’s original palette of sable granite, statuary bronze, and light travertine. Modern elements were thoughtfully selected to enhance the experience Saarinen had envisioned, including a sparkling light installation suspended from the 20-foot-high ceiling, a glowing onyx reception desk, and the restoration of the original rich bronze fin walls that flank the building’s lobbies. The 53rd Street lobby has been re-imagined as a tenant lounge and mixer club: Club 53. Curated with original Knoll and Saarinen furniture, and lit by a second monumental light installation, the new amenity reflects the bespoke hospitality required of today’s trophy office buildings, while preserving Saarinen’s design elements.
The repositioning of 51W52 capitalizes on the use of previously underutilized space at the lower level to create a world-class amenity suite for tenants. A Saarinen-inspired staircase connects Club 53 to the lower level where a private cocktail lounge, fitness center, flexible forum, and shared conference rooms have been added. In the spirit of Saarinen’s original design, a tranquil reflective pool connects these spaces with modern simplicity. The careful design of the stair’s double stringers allows them to act as a structure, reducing the amount of steel required and increasing visibility to the water below. The cocktail lounge, with design elements reminiscent of the CBS Headquarters’ original ground-floor restaurant, completes the amenity space. The dark granite from the lobby carries down to the walls of the lower level and slowly gives way to a new material palette of terrazzo, dark oak wood flooring, and black lacquered diamond-shaped piers. Classic furniture and high-end materials create the ultimate, refined hospitality experience for this iconic New York office building.
The lower level previously served as a mail room for the building and was designed as a utilitarian space with low ceiling heights. It was a challenge to navigate the existing conditions and complexity of overhead MEP systems. The team worked closely with consultants and contractors to maximize the quality of space for the new amenity suite. It was also challenging to create a new opening in the slab for the feature stair. Due to the column-free design of the original building, the slab was triple-reinforced and nearly three feet deep at the core. In order to successfully deliver a stunning transition from the new Club 53 to the amenity suite, the stair would need to be designed with its own inner structure. The result is a beautiful double stringer that allows the travertine treads to float above the reflecting pool below.
Building construction accounts for 38% of total global emissions. It was the goal of the project to preserve embodied carbon by restoring this iconic landmark with minimal intervention. A large portion of the project included restoration of the original architecture. The original travertine core walls were preserved, cleaned, and enhanced with new lighting. The bronze fin walls flanking the lobbies had blackened over time but were able to acquire their original luster with custom paint. Finally, the plaza was restored to its original configuration and updated to contemporary codes. The selective restoration and upgradation of 51W52 ensures that it will continue to contribute to the built environment for another lifetime. In a city where new construction projects go up daily, visionary monuments like 51W52 must be preserved and require thoughtful reimaging to be celebrated as such.
作為世界著名建築師埃羅·沙裡寧設計的唯一一座摩天大樓,西 52 街 51 號成為了經典紐約建築的象徵。1960年,哥倫比亞廣播公司首席執行官威廉·佩利收購了這塊土地,並邀請沙裡寧設計這座摩天大樓。沙裡寧曾稱其為「紐約最簡單的摩天大樓」,而這座名為「黑岩」的建築則以其深色花崗岩菱形橋墩著稱,創造出880,000平方英尺的無柱空間,彷彿一塊堅固的岩石自地面崛起。然而,支柱之間的有色玻璃遮擋了大廳視野,原始規劃也未能提供最佳的舒適感。2021年,海港集團收購了這座地標建築,並著手重新設計它,同時對原有建築予以尊重和讚美。
此外,經過翻新的第52街大廳重新展示了沙裡寧的經典黑色花崗岩、雕像青銅和淺色石灰華的配色方案。我們還選擇融入一些現代元素來增強沙裡寧所構思的氛圍,包括20英尺高天花板上的閃亮燈具、發光的瑪瑙接待台,並對建築大廳兩側的青銅翅片牆進行修復。第53街大廳則被重新設計為租戶休息室和社交俱樂部「Club 53」。
51W52 的重新定位充分利用了先前未被充分利用的樓層空間,為租戶打造了世界一流的設施。受沙裡寧設計啟發的樓梯連接著 Club 53 和下層,下層增設了私人雞尾酒廊、健身中心、靈活的論壇和共享會議室。這些空間由一個寧靜的倒影池相連,與現代簡約風格形成了和諧的對話。樓梯的雙縱梁設計減少了所需鋼材的量,並使水池下方的景象得以更清晰地展現。雞尾酒廊的設計元素讓人聯想到哥倫比亞廣播公司總部原有的底層餐廳,為休閒空間增添了一份優雅。大廳的深色花崗岩延伸至下層牆壁,並逐漸過渡到水磨石、深色橡木地板和黑漆菱形柱所構成的新材料。經典家具和高端材料使這座標誌性紐約大樓散發出一種精緻的酒店氛圍。
下層原本是建築的郵件室,設計為較低天花板的實用空間。面對現有條件和高架MEP系統的挑戰,團隊與顧問和承包商緊密合作,以提高新設施空間的品質。樓板開設新開口的工作同樣充滿挑戰。由於原建築採用了無柱設計,樓板經過三重加固,核心深度近三英尺。為了實現從新設計的Club 53到便利套房的順利過渡,樓梯設計需具備內部結構。最終的設計結果是一個美麗的雙縱梁結構,使石灰華踏板懸浮於下方的反射池之上。
建築施工佔全球總碳排放量的38%。該計畫的目標是通過最小的干預來修復這座標誌性建築,從而減少碳排放。項目的大部分工作是對原建築的修復。石灰華的核心牆面被保留下來並清潔,並配備了新的照明設備。大廳兩側的青銅牆面隨著時間的推移變黑,但通過定制的油漆處理,恢復了它們原本的光澤。最後,廣場的形狀被恢復並按照當代標準進行更新。51W52 的選擇性修復和升級確保它將繼續在未來的使用中為建築環境做出貢獻。在紐約這座日新月異的城市中,像51W52這樣富有遠見的地標必須得到保護,並需要經過深思熟慮的再塑造來慶祝其歷史與現代的結合。
2024 紐約設計大獎 New York Design Awards – 室內設計 – 企業&商業 Interior Design – Corporate & Commercial – 金獎
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