空間設計|聚焦有機 新鮮上桌|阿根廷農園餐廳 Margot Restaurant|設計盒子DESIGNBOX

聚焦有機 新鮮上桌|阿根廷農園餐廳 Margot Restaurant

位於南美風情聖地——阿根廷,Margot Restaurant由阿根廷設計公司Alfaro/Acevedo-Arquitectura操刀,打造開放式廚房與餐飲區並存的空間,為用餐體驗增添獨特。首先,進入餐廳時會先穿過一座有機農園,Margot Restaurant餐點所使用的食材皆種植於此。另外,開放式空間的優勢使顧客可以欣賞餐點每一道工序,意即顧客可看見食材從農園生長、採摘、料理到被端上桌的過程。

Created by Alfaro/Acevedo-Arquitectura, Margot Restaurant in Argentina is a unique dining experience where the dining room and the open kitchen share a space. You enter the restaurant through the organic garden, where ingredients for the food are grown. This is a farm-to-table experience like no other, with an open floor plan that lets you see every stage of food preparation. You’ll see the ingredients grown outside turned into the food that gets served to your table.

空間設計|聚焦有機 新鮮上桌|阿根廷農園餐廳 Margot Restaurant|設計盒子DESIGNBOX

餐廳建築由木材、玻璃、水泥與鋼鐵建造。在屋頂上,綠意盎然的陽台形成Margot Restaurant一部分果園;同時,太陽能板的設置提供能源。該建築建在兩片空地上與隔牆分開,形成餐廳服務入口,將顧客和工作人員需要的空間清楚劃分。地下室則存放起司、蜜餞、火腿和葡萄酒。接著再移至廚房,爐灶和存放熟成肉品的設備一應俱全。為了創造從農場到餐桌的用餐體驗,Margot Restaurant許多食材皆儲存、種植和採收於現場。

The building itself is constructed of wood, glass, concrete and steel. On the roof, a green terrace forms part of an orchard. Meanwhile, solar panels provide energy. Built on two lots, the building is separated from the dividing wall. This creates a service entrance, providing clear spaces for diners and staff. The basement houses the cheese, preserves, ham and wine. Moving to the kitchen, there is a fire pit and room for maturing meat. Many foods are housed, grown and harvested on-site to create that farm-to-table dining experience.

空間設計|聚焦有機 新鮮上桌|阿根廷農園餐廳 Margot Restaurant|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|聚焦有機 新鮮上桌|阿根廷農園餐廳 Margot Restaurant|設計盒子DESIGNBOX

從農園到餐桌不僅是一種趨勢。當食物直接地從農園到上桌,顧客絕對可以品嚐出決然不同的新鮮度。實踐農園到餐桌的方式不僅消除盤商和餐飲業的成本,也讓食物更直接地送至餐廳,或是如同Margot Restaurant從餐廳外頭直接採收入室的例子。

Farm-to-table is much more than a trend. When food comes directly from the garden to your table, you can taste the difference. The farm-to-table method also eliminates distributors and food services. The food is fresher, and it’s delivered directly to the restaurant. Or, in this case, harvested from right outside the restaurant.

空間設計|聚焦有機 新鮮上桌|阿根廷農園餐廳 Margot Restaurant|設計盒子DESIGNBOX

沐浴在暖陽下的建築,為農園創造了美好的生長場域。室內空間盈溢閃亮的金屬色澤、溫潤的木材與自然光。用餐區以質樸風格妝點,擺放一張張木製餐桌和一面酒吧牆。在Margot Restaurant,所有創新設計皆獨一無二、友善環保。

The building itself is drenched in sunlight, creating a beautiful area for the garden to thrive. The interior spaces are full of shining metal, warm woods and natural light. In the dining area, guests will find rustic decor, with wooden tables and a large bar against one wall. Everything about the innovative design is unique and green-friendly.

空間設計|聚焦有機 新鮮上桌|阿根廷農園餐廳 Margot Restaurant|設計盒子DESIGNBOX 空間設計|聚焦有機 新鮮上桌|阿根廷農園餐廳 Margot Restaurant|設計盒子DESIGNBOX

Image: ArchDaily