國際競賽報名代辦|英國WAF世界建築節獎|設計盒子DESIGN BOX

英國WAF世界建築節獎 協助代辦報名


英國世界建築節(World Architecture Festival,WAF)是全球唯一將設計獎與藝術節相結合的獎項,致力於慶祝來自世界各地的優秀建築節和競賽頒獎,每年的頒獎場地不同。自2008年開始在巴賽窿那舉行頒獎典禮,每年約200入圍作品爭奪31類獎項頭銜。建築女帝札哈·哈迪(Zaha Hadid)曾以《國立二十一世紀藝術博物館(MAXXI – National Museum of 21st Century Art)》獲得2010年度世界建築類大獎,過去亦有多位台灣設計師作品在WAF這個世界舞台受到國際肯定。WAF不僅是對設計作品的肯定,更創造出一個能讓全球建築師及室內設計從業者交流與分享的平台:每年活動為期三天,在會前決選當年度的世界建築作品供與會人士觀摩,透過現場想法的相互學習碰撞,為提升世界建築水準貢獻。活動亦會邀請見著經典大師前來分享經驗及作品導覽。

The only award in the world that combines design awards and art festivals. Committed to celebrating outstanding architecture festivals and competition awards from all over the world. The venue of the awards is different each year. Since 2008, the award ceremony has been held in Barcelona. About 200 The finalist works are competing for 31 awards. Zaha Hadid Architects won the 2010 World Architecture Awards. The World Architecture Festival is a three-day event for architects and interior design professionals. Before the conference, the world’s best architectural works were selected for sharing and exchanged with the participants. The core values of the event are sharing of knowledge and innovation. Being able to communicate and make a contribution to the field of architecture is an honor. The world’s leading architects such as the Pritzker Prize winners are also there to share experiences and guide the attendees.




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