荷蘭Orange Architects建築師事務所-荷蘭Jonas, Ijburg

“Jonas is a new concept for a mixed-use residential building, designed to enhance social cohesion by creating a sustainable and inviting heart for not only its residents but the complete neighborhood. The development of the Ijburg neighborhood started around two decades ago, as a solution for the growing need for housing and the lack of available land near the city center of Amsterdam.

With 273 homes in Jonas’ space has been created in an overly crowded city and quite literally a new community has been formed. To facilitate this new community, the building has a strong focus on communal living, with inclusivity as one of its main aims. 70% of the 273 housing units fit in the affordable rent category, making living in Jonas accessible for a wide range of people.

The name Jonas refers to the story of ?Jonas and the Whale?. It stands for adventure and intimacy, but also for protection, shelter and comfort inside a ?big body?. It is a heroic building with a warm heart. Residents don?t exclusively live in their own apartments but in Jonas as a whole. We believe the large amount of collective indoor and outdoor spaces, the community manager and shared electric vehicles, incentivize neighbors to meet and strengthen their sense of community.

The underlying spatial concept of Jonas is based on a traditional timber ship structure. A series of trusses form the skeleton with a public route running through, the canyon, connecting the collective program. These functions, as well as the commercial facilities in the plinth, are supportive of the concept and range from a cinema, a yoga studio and guest rooms to rentable units for sustainable entrepreneurs.

Everything in Jonas is geared toward stimulating social interaction and encounters to ensure that the building becomes a focal point for activities and acts as a catalyst for the neighborhood. Jonas demonstrates that besides technical sustainability, biodiversity and community building are important principles, which are perhaps of the greatest importance for the success of the building and its surroundings.

In addition to the focus on social sustainability, Jonas is packed with sustainable technical facilities. Even before being completed the project received 2 BREEAM Awards, which makes it one of the most sustainable (residential) buildings up-to-date in Amsterdam and in The Netherlands.







本作品榮獲:2023 美國未來房屋設計獎 Future House Award 混合使用建築 Mixed-Use Buildings 類別 Winner 優勝獎







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行動電話:0911-225-488 (蘭先生)