褶疊魔幻寫實的都市天際線——Aydin Buyuktas《平坦之地》
土耳其藝術家Aydin Buyuktas創作了一系列名為《平坦之地Flatland》的超現實創作,將伊斯坦堡的都市景觀幻化成魔幻寫實的奇觀。受到十九世紀英國教師艾勃特(Edwin Abbat)的經典諷刺中篇小說《平面國(Flatland: A Romance Of Many Dimensions)》啟發,Buyuktas將一幀幀伊斯坦堡都會景觀轉化為令人驚嘆、拔地而起的水泥巨浪,彷彿電影《全面啟動》的夢境世界,或者《星際效應》中人類能操控重力的未來星際飛船。
For the series ‘Flatland‘, Turkish artist Aydin Buyuktas creates surreal cityscapes of Istanbul. Inspired by Edwin Abbat’s book ‘Flatland: A Romance Of Many Dimensions’, the photoshopped images depict the metropolis from surprising perspectives.
In a statement about the project, Buyuktas says: “We live in places that most of the times don’t draw our attention, places that transform our memories, places that the artist gives another dimension; where the perceptions that generally cross our minds will be demolished and new ones will arise.”
Images: Aydin Büyüktas
Words: Jessica Jungbauer
Source: Ignant