

位於西班牙阿拉瓦省的埃爾希耶戈小鎮——里斯卡葡萄酒之城(The Marqués de Riscal city of Wine)提供每位訪客通過五感體驗葡萄酒的世界與探索酒莊1858年至今的歷史。

The Marqués de Riscal city of Wine, located in Elciego (Álava), offers the experience of exploring the history of the bodega since its foundation in 1858 to the modern day, with the chance to enjoy the wine through the use of all five senses.空間設計|西班牙里斯卡酒莊—鈦金流線建築全新演繹酒莊百年風華|設計盒子DESIGNBOX

為了深入認識酒莊源遠流長的歲月軌跡,遊客可以前往飯店區域的中心—日晷廣場(Plaza del Reloj)。一睹里斯卡爾侯爵珍藏的古代葡萄酒窖,酒窖始建於 1860 年且至今仍被完好無缺地保存著。鴿舍(El Palomar)則是1883年以波爾多風格擴建的酒窖,如今莊園出產的優質葡萄酒皆生產於此。 最後,由著名建築師 Frank O. Gehry 設計,充滿21世紀前衛的風格、豪奢大氣的里斯卡爾侯爵飯店(Hotel Marqués de Riscal),自上到下帶著鈦金流暢曲線與沙岩建築形成強烈對比,帶來精彩的視覺饗宴。

更富感官性的體驗還有飯店裡的Caudalie葡萄酒療法Spa、西班牙當地名廚Francis Paniego 掌廚的頂級餐廳、會議空間以及含紀念品與禮品商店的酒莊遊客中心。

To delve into this journey through time, the visitors can make their way to the heart of this complex, the Plaza del Reloj (Square of the Sun Dial). From there, you will be able to see the Original Bodega, which was built in 1860, where the treasures of Marqués de Riscal are kept, the Bottle cellar for ancient wines. Next you can visit the first enlargement of the bodega, a building dating from 1883 constructed in the Bordeaux style and known as El Palomar (the Dovecote) where these days the company’s premium wines are made. Finally, the last visual impact will hit you from above, where, contrasting with the tradition of the various different sandstone buildings, you can distinguish the avant-garde style of the 21st century of the Hotel Marqués de Riscal, a Luxury Collection Hotel, designed by the renowned architect, Frank O. Gehry. 

The more sensory part is rounded off by the Caudalie vinotherapy spa, the fine dining restaurant under the watchful eye of the top Riojan chef, Francis Paniego, a conference centre and the winery’s visitors’ centre with the souvenir and gift shop.


里斯卡酒莊(Marqués de Riscal) 的最佳象徵為其創新和前衛精神,由加拿大著名建築師法蘭克・蓋瑞 (Frank O. Gehry) 操刀設計。本案雖然充滿了不同的形式和線條,但與當地的景觀完美契合。

西班牙的里奧哈·阿拉韋薩(Rioja Alavesa)的葡萄樹、里斯卡酒莊的原始酒窖、流傳悠久的傳統與他們的葡萄酒,啟發蓋瑞設計了前所未有的建築作品,其中當然也包含里斯卡酒莊的酒窖。

里斯卡酒莊的建築本體上覆有鈦金屬,如同由蓋瑞設計的畢爾包古根漢美術館(Guggenheim Museum Bilbao)。但這個案件中,建築師試圖在他的作品反映出代表里斯卡酒莊的顏色——彷若紅酒般的粉色、里斯卡酒瓶特有的金色織線和瓶口上的銀色箔片蓋。

The best symbol of the innovative and avant-garde spirit of Marqués de Riscal is the building designed by the famous Canadian architect Frank O. Gehry, who created a work which, while full of different forms and lines, fits in perfectly with the local landscape.

The vines of these lands of the Rioja Alavesa, the old cellars of Marqués de Riscal and their long tradition, and above all, their wines, inspired Frank O. Gehry  to produce a building without precedent in the world of architecture, and of course, also in that of wine cellars.

Like the Guggenheim Museum, the building designed by Gehry is clad with titanium, although in this case, the architect has sought to reflect in his work the colour which represent Marqués de Riscal: pink, like red wine, gold, like the braid on Riscal bottles, and silver, like the foil cap on the bottle.


Frank O.Gehry 法蘭克・蓋瑞


法蘭克・蓋瑞(Frank O. Gehry)1929 年出生於加拿大多倫多。他是世界上最重要和具影響力的建築師之一,並以其個人獨特的建築風格、創新形式和用材手法表現細膩出色而享譽國際。

他在建築領域獲得極富盛名的獎項,包括於1989年獲得的普利茲克獎或於1992年被授予日本高松宮殿下紀念世界文化獎。如今他的工作室 Gehry Partners LLP 位於洛杉磯,並且蓋瑞仍為世界各地的客戶設計、經營和管理專案。

Frank O. Gehry was born in Toronto (Canada) in 1929.  He is regarded as one of the leading and most influential architects in the world and is internationally famous for his personal, individual architectural style, incorporating new forms and materials, as well showing particular sensitivity to the surroundings.  

He has received some of the most prestigious awards in the field of architecture, including the Pritzker Prize, which he was given in 1989, or the Japanese Praemium Imperiale which was bestowed on him in 1992. Nowadays, his studio, Gehry Partners LLP, is based in Los Angeles and Gehry is still designing and managing projects for clients all over the world.




當里斯卡酒莊團隊與建築師會面並提出酒莊新建項目時,他們邀請建築師品嚐他出生年份釀造(即1929年)的葡萄酒。此瓶葡萄酒之後便一直存放於里斯卡酒莊典藏專用的酒窖教堂(La Catedral)。蓋瑞隨即接受並挑戰操刀設計這個與他之前所處理的項目與眾不同的酒窖設計案。這地窖不僅僅要保留其傳統和歷史的脈絡,同時也承先啟後敞開迎接現代的大門,這部分滿多仰賴於設計師的個人風格。 Frank O. Gehry 接受酒莊在建築設計上的挑戰,並且最終打造出個人在技術層面上最先進的作品。

How did Frank O. Gehry come to agree to carry out this project?

Marqués de Riscal knew they wanted to create a new, ultra-modern building which could arouse emotions. For this they thought of Frank O. Gehry, an architect of great international renown.

When the team from Marqués de Riscal met with the architect to suggest the project they invited him to taste a wine of the year of his birth, 1929, stored ever since then in the bodega’s private collection, the Cathedral. Gehry was soon sold on the challenge of something unlike anything he had taken on until then, to design a wine cellar. A cellar which wanted to maintain its tradition and history, but also open its doors to modernity, a characteristic which was very much part of the style of the architect. Frank O. Gehry accepted this architectural challenge, producing what was to be his most advanced work in technological term.


Source: Herederos del Marqués de Riscal