2021 iF 德國設計獎 首度公布線上評審評分卡!
疫情肆虐,許多國際獎項的評選方式和頒獎典禮都做了改變,今年iF國際設計獎首度公布的線上評分卡!在初選評分階段,每個參賽作品均由三名評審在線評分。 評審有五項標準來為參賽作品評分。 這些項目有助於他們更明確決定每個標準的分數。 計算每個評分標準的平均值,平均值之和是該條目的最終分數。主要對於五個方向做為評分標準:理念、形式、功能、差異化與影響。
During the pandemic, the selection procedure and award ceremonies of many international awards have been changed. This year’s iF International Design Award announced the first online pre-selection card! In the grading stage of the preliminary selection, each entry will be graded online by three judges. There are five criteria for judging to score entries. These items help them determine the score for each criterion more clearly. Calculate the average of each scoring standard, and the sum of the averages is the final score of the item. The five directions are mainly used as scoring standards: concept, form, function, differentiation and influence.
This time, a top international independent expert panel composed of 91 design experts scored nearly 10,000 entries from more than 50 countries/regions, and these entries were shortlisted for this year’s iF Design Awards. In three days, the judges used the new iF digital review tool to discuss, evaluate and rate individual products and works online. The interior architecture category is judged by two different juries, each with three judges. The average score for the indoor building category is 223. The highest score in this category is 391 points. On the one hand, smart technology is entering the home to provide more comfort and safety to the urban environment. On the other hand, the issue of returning to nature and environmental protection is more prominent, which makes the work of interior designers more fascinating. Designers are now bolder in using colors, materials and lighting in public places such as exhibitions, events or shops.
It is hoped that in this new year, the pandemic will gradually be under controlled, and we will see many more diversified designs and more international events and exchanges!