DB大賞|2022亞洲全球美妝大獎 Global Makeup Awards 風光開獎|設計盒子DESIGN BOX

掀起清透妝容的熱潮!邁向淨白舒爽好氣色——2022全球彩妝大獎 Global Makeup Awards 風光開獎

全球彩妝大獎(Global Makeup Awards)旨在展示​各國獨一無二的護膚美妝產品和趨勢,該獎項現已進入第五年,向全球美容品牌開放,由精選國際美容專家小組評選,守護大家的頭髮、身體、肌膚和健康。全球彩妝大獎擁有 30 多個產品類別,是展示品牌創新、專業和品質最全面的獎項。

DB大賞|2022亞洲全球美妝大獎 Global Makeup Awards 風光開獎|設計盒子DESIGN BOX

設計盒子DESIGN BOX 精選得獎產品

最佳化妝水 類別



這款極柔活妍晶露採用高營養含量食物來對抗自由基。除了男女皆適用外,還可舒緩肌膚,且富含維生素 A、B、C、E、礦物質、氨基酸和酵素。在上妝前使用,具有長效保濕的效果。

This skincare product uses superfoods to fight against free radicals. Suitable for both males and females, this toner relieves and soothes the skin and enriches the skin with vitamins A, B, C, E, minerals, amino acids and enzymes. This product can be used before makeup application and provides a long-term moisturizing effect. 

DB大賞|2022亞洲全球美妝大獎 Global Makeup Awards 風光開獎|設計盒子DESIGN BOX

最佳髮品 類別




This is a really interesting product which has been designed to improve the health of the scalp and hair. If you use heat styling tools, then this is the product you need to return your hair back to good condition as it provides a protective barrier around your hair. Spray a gentle mist of the product onto your scalp and gently massage in. By improving essential nutrients to the skin, it helps to prevent dandruff and encourages a healthier hair follicles.

DB大賞|2022亞洲全球美妝大獎 Global Makeup Awards 風光開獎|設計盒子DESIGN BOX

最佳潔膚產品 類別




This is a mild and moisturizing face wash, which thoroughly cleanses the skin and removes residual makeup without over-cleaning, and can keep the skin hydrated. It is extremely sensitive, and thanks to the liposome technique, it can remove dirt and foundation from the pores.

DB大賞|2022亞洲全球美妝大獎 Global Makeup Awards 風光開獎|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
