The first paragraph of John Berger’s “Ways of Seeing” sums up the most basic and the first of the human’s sense to awaken—-eyes: “Seeing comes before words. The child recognized before it can speak.”
。Mystic Data Bender | 神秘資料狂歡,2019,油料於畫布 | Oil on canvas 121.9 x 213.3 cm | 48 x 84 inches
。Brown Man Magic | 棕人魔法,2019,油料於畫布 | Oil on canvas 91.4 x 91.4 cm | 36 x 36 inches
孩子們可以看到最富有想像力、原創、誠實的圖畫,但卻少有孩子的圖畫在任何專業場所、藝術書籍、機構、 畫廊、博物館或所有其他類型的學術體系中。為什麼?因為人們開始沉迷於意義、詞源以及嚴謹的結構化思想系統,或是具有諷刺意味的人為製造環境。然而那些找到批評,認可或讚美之路的著名藝術品,仍然始於最基本的實踐——即通過觀看與觀察。
Children can see the most imaginative, original, and honest paintings, but few children’s paintings can enter any professional place, art book, institution, gallery, museum or all other types of academic systems. Why? Because people are starting to indulge in meaning, etymology, and rigorous structured thinking systems, or ironic artificial manufacturing environments. However, the famous artworks that find the path of criticism, recognition or praise still begin with the most basic practice—that is, through seeing and observing.
。Not So Distant | 不是那麼遙遠,2019,油料於畫布 | Oil on canvas 91.4 x 91.4 cm | 36 x 36 inches
。Boneless | 無骨,2018,油料於畫布 | Oil on canvas 91.4 x 91.4 cm | 36 x 36 inches
。Before Creation | 在創作之前,2019,油料於畫布 | Oil on canvas 91.4 x 61 cm | 36 x 24 inches
菲律賓當紅藝術家基恩・保羅・馬汀,生於 1989 年馬尼拉。他具備年輕藝術家的獨特視角,以大膽豐富的用色、無所顧忌的視覺內容,將一股活力注入當代藝術被認為略顯無味的平面繪畫之中,成就獨樹一格的風格領域。普世定義的視覺效果對馬汀來說是讓人感到挫敗的產物,這種圖像每天出現在我們周圍,卻只會製造靜態噪音。透過馬汀的作品讓我們從原有的邏輯框架中出走,這是一個猝不及防但令人愉快的變化,舒適的打破了共同美學定義的障礙。他的作品主要圍繞著他對總體環境的反思,以第三人稱視角來分析並且再創它。
The popular Filipino artist, Gene Paul Martin, was born in Manila in 1989. He has a unique perspective of young artists, with bold and rich color and unscrupulous visual content, injecting a vitality into the flat paintings that contemporary art is considered to be slightly boring, achieving a unique style. The universally defined visual effect is a frustrating product for Martin, who appears around us every day, but only creates static noise. Through Martin’s work, let us leave the original logical framework. This is an unpredictable but enjoyable change that comfortably breaks the barriers of common aesthetic definition. His work revolves around his reflection on the overall environment, analyzing and recreating it in a third-person perspective.
。Fruits | 水果,2019,油料於畫布 | Oil on canvas 45.7 x 61 cm | 18 x 24 inches
。Tropical Relic | 熱帶遺跡,2019,油料於畫布 | Oil on canvas 45.7 x 61 cm | 18 x 24 inches
文章來源:Nunu Fine Art