美國Rice to Riches甜品店

With the new Lower East Side-location of Rice to Riches, the Wid Chapman Architects were tasked with reimagining an iconic namesake rice pudding parlor, located for over twenty years in the Soho neighborhood of Manhattan.

Inspired by the shape of rice grains, as well as the consistency of creamy pudding, the firm created a curvaceous retail and eating environment. Walls are layered with a continuous form that undulates up and down around the space. This forward-protruding plane houses 36 oval shape LED screens with constantly moving images and witty verbal quips about consuming rice pudding- a brand hallmark of the previous store.

The pudding retail display case has a similar vocabulary, as do the ceilings with their irregular-shaped lighting recesses. These recesses in turn contain thousands of opaque and translucent acrylic rods of varying lengths and colors which serves to animate the ceiling and the entire place.

A playful, wavy banquette wraps the entire storefront wall with oval storefront windows above. Along the banquette are tables which suspend from the ceiling from posts that appear to grow from conal forms on the ceiling. Picking up on the orange accent theme throughout, these tables contain an orange back lit ring of acrylic.

隨著「Rice to Riches」在下東區的新落成,Wid Chapman Architects 建築師事務所受託重新設計這家已有二十多年歷史的標誌性大米布丁店,原店位於曼哈頓 Soho 區。

受米粒形狀及奶油布丁稠度的啟發,該公司創造了一個曲線優美的零售和飲食環境。牆壁以連續的形式分層,在空間周圍上下起伏。前伸的平面上設有36個橢圓形 LED 螢幕,螢幕上不斷播放移動的圖像和關於吃八寶粥的俏皮話語,這是前一家商店的品牌標誌。



本作品榮獲:2024IAA倫敦設計獎London Design Awards第一季 室內設計 – 餐旅 類別 白金獎








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