美國紐約Valentino范倫鐵諾旗艦店Valentino Madison Ave Flagship
Madison Avenue represents a key location for Valentino and its new flagship marks an important moment in its global retail strategy. The store expands the fashion house’s updated retail concept, which reinterprets the existing building’s structure to accommodate unique brand spaces. Each floor is centered on a distinctive visual narrative, with special attention given to the iconic Valentino red. The flagship houses the couture experience, exclusive VIP corners, a multidisciplinary art space, and distinct sales floors containing luxury ready-to-wear assortments. Client-centric by design, the store brings together hospitality, personalized customer care, and modern design concepts. Formerly a longstanding flagship space for Calvin Klein, Valentino spans three floors, with 12,300 square feet of selling space and 20,000 square feet overall.
The first Valentino flagship in 10 years, the design of the Madison Ave store creates unique spaces based on a reinterpretation of the building’s structure through different sales experiences. Grand double-doors with sculptural marble handles open to 23-foot high ceilings and exposed steel columns. Bespoke elements, like a central green onyx display unit, complement different materials and textures such as marble carpets and concrete finishes.
The ground floor has several interpretations of the iconic Rosso Valentino: footwear’s travertine red floors and seating; ready-to-wear’s immersive, box-like effect reinforced by the red velvet cladding walls and seating. The monumental staircase anchors the space, composed of red Travertino, white Botticino, and black Nero Marquina. The staircase’s red stone forms the perimeter of the adjacent ready-to-wear box, an example of how the materials and palettes are threaded throughout the flagship.
On the second floor, the women’s ready-to-wear collection has a giant red lacquered wardrobe structure and matching seating, contrasting with the checkered floor in white Botticino and black Nero Marquina marbles.
The two VIP ivory sitting rooms and dressing areas nod to the Maison’s workshops, designed to produce an ambiance of intimacy and exclusivity in an apartment-like setting. Bespoke seating and furniture are complemented by contemporary chandeliers by Roll & Hill and ceramic objects by Massimiliano Pipolo. The basement is dedicated to menswear, with chromatic materials including stark concrete and a black parquet. Next door is warmer with lilac flooring matched with mirrored columns, bespoke glass displays, and angular green onyx shelving.
With dozens of custom finishes dramatically highlighting and differentiating the separate sales areas, Valentino’s updated concept has been well-received. Based on chromatic compositions and carefully-curated material palettes while highlighting the signature Valentino red, the flagship is the beacon of Italian style. With soaring fluted columns on the building’s neoclassical limestone facade from 1927 and exposed steel columns that run throughout the space, rationalist architecture coexists with warm, enveloping spaces created by careful material and color choices.
The building’s mezzanine is a concrete box that overlooks the ground floor on one side, dedicated to temporary art displays amplifying the work of a diverse roster of galleries and institutions. The space made its debut through a partnership with a New York museum, Magazzino Italian Art.
The cellar was designed around the original bank vault from the early 1900s, with plank-formed steel, reinforced concrete walls, and a 10-foot wide solid steel vault portal highlighting the torched jambs from when the doors were removed in the 1960s. The finishes are industrial, with dark oak flooring mixed with clear glass millwork.
All stairs and stone were custom fabricated after an extensive quarry search from Valentino. Due to long lead times, custom fabrication, and shipment, the team templated and heavily coordinated everything down to the millimeter as there was zero tolerance on everything.
The staircase—made of red Travertino, white Botticino, and black Nero Marquina marble—was an intensive coordination process. The team digitally mapped and documented the existing structural conditions to ensure perfect alignment of the stair in conjunction with zero tolerance vertical surfaces. The team engaged numerous vendors to gather all field dimensions down to the millimeter, as well as templated all treads and risers, and partnered with the Italian stone manufacturer to ensure the zero tolerance dimensions were correct. In Italy, they fabricated and joined the multi-finish treads and risers to be shipped out in one piece. The field team carefully installed tread by tread on-site without any issues. The team completed the stair by installing the waterfall stone down the side and integrated the glass guardrail. This all had to come through the front door on Madison Ave, which required careful planning for building and pedestrian traffic.
A LEED consultant was involved with the project, which is targeting LEED Gold. Shawmut engaged all partners to deliver on specific requirements like waste stream diversion, air monitoring, document control, site signage, and weekly documentation.
麥迪遜大道上的 Valentino 新旗艦店,是品牌全球零售策略的重要里程碑。這間店鋪融合了時裝屋最新的零售概念,重新詮釋現有建築結構,打造出獨特的品牌空間。每一層樓都圍繞鮮明的視覺敘事主題設計,尤其凸顯象徵性的華倫天奴紅色,並提供多樣化的購物體驗,包括高級訂製服務、專屬 VIP 區、多學科藝術展示空間以及奢華成衣品種的專屬樓層。設計以客戶為中心,結合了熱情好客、個性化服務與現代設計理念,充分展現品牌的核心價值。
該旗艦店位於前 Calvin Klein 長期據點的三層建築內,總面積達 20,000 平方英尺,其中 12,300 平方英尺為銷售空間。作為 Valentino 十年來首間旗艦店,設計以重新詮釋建築結構為特色,創造出令人驚豔的空間效果。入口設有宏偉的雙門與雕塑般的大理石門把,進入後可見 23 英尺高的天花板與外露鋼柱。店內融入許多客製化設計元素,如中央綠色縟瑪瑙展示單元,搭配大理石地毯及混凝土飾面,材質與紋理之間相得益彰。
底層空間運用了多種形式詮釋標誌性的 Rosso Valentino,例如鞋類展示區的石灰華紅色地板與座椅,以及紅色天鵝絨包覆的牆面與家具,營造沉浸式的成衣展示效果。巨大的樓梯成為旗艦店的視覺核心,由紅色 Travertino、白色 Botticino 和黑色 Nero Marquina 大理石構成,紅色石材更延伸至相鄰的成衣展示區域,充分體現材質和色彩在店內設計中的統一性。
二樓的女裝成衣區,以巨大的紅色漆衣櫃結構和配套座椅為主軸,搭配白色和黑色大理石格子地板,形成強烈對比。象牙色的 VIP 起居室和更衣區向品牌工作坊致敬,營造出如高級公寓般的親密氛圍。該區域配有訂製家具、Roll & Hill 的現代吊燈和 Massimiliano Pipolo 的陶瓷藝術品,細節盡顯奢華。地下室則專注於男裝展示,運用了多彩材質設計,包括純色混凝土地板、黑色鑲木以及綠色縟瑪瑙架子,搭配鏡面柱和訂製玻璃展示架,結合現代與工業風格。
整間旗艦店以數十種客製化飾面為特色,展現 Valentino 對細節的極致追求。空間基於精心策劃的色彩組合與材質調色板,並著重標誌性的華倫天奴紅色,成為義大利設計風格的燈塔。建築外觀採新古典主義設計,石灰岩外立面上的凹槽柱可追溯至 1927 年,而內部裸露的鋼柱則貫穿整個空間,巧妙融合理性主義建築與精緻材料,營造出溫暖而精緻的氛圍。
建築物的夾層是一個專門用於臨時藝術展覽的混凝土盒子,俯瞰底層空間。該展覽空間首次透過與紐約 Magazzino Italian Art 博物館合作亮相,展示各類藝術機構和畫廊的作品,進一步強化品牌的文化內涵。地窖區域圍繞 1900 年代初期的原始銀行金庫設計,配有板狀鋼材、鋼筋混凝土牆以及直徑 10 英尺的實心鋼製金庫門,工業風格的深色橡木地板與透明玻璃裝飾品交相輝映,展現歷史與現代的融合。
為確保設計精準度,所有樓梯與石材均經過 Valentino 團隊嚴密規劃與製作。從義大利採石場選材到現場安裝,團隊進行了數位測繪與模板化操作,確保零公差精度。樓梯由紅色 Travertino、白色 Botticino 和黑色 Nero Marquina 大理石打造,所有胎面與立管均在義大利製作完成,然後整體運輸至現場安裝,展現極高的施工標準。最後,樓梯結合瀑布式石材設計與玻璃護欄,所有材料需經過麥迪遜大道的主入口進行運輸,對於建築規劃與交通管理是一次挑戰。
該項目目標是獲得 LEED 金級認證,並聘請專業顧問監控廢物流轉、空氣品質、現場標誌等環保要求。此項目的完成,不僅體現 Valentino 對建築細節的極致追求,也展現了品牌對可持續發展的承諾,為全球零售空間設計樹立了新標杆。
本作品榮獲:2024紐約設計大獎New York Design Awards 室內設計 – 零售 Interior Design – Retail – 金獎
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