香港The Ravine住宅
Nestled within the heart of Ubud’s forests, The Ravine intertwines architecture, nature, and culture to form a residential landmark that transcends the boundaries of our natural and built environment. Named after the steep gorges that shape the area, The Ravine captures the reverence of Ubud for its landscape and is a celebration of the region’s spirituality, musicality, and craftsmanship. The spatial layout expresses the language of Balinese shrines, with every line and shape referencing the silhouettes of Ubud’s heritage of wood carving and traditional instruments.
nestled within the heart of ubud’s forests, a space intertwines architecture, nature, and culture to form a residential landmark that transcends the boundaries of the natural and the man-made. named after the steep gorges that shape the area, the ravine captures the reverence of bali for its landscape, standing as an offering of gratitude towards the culture that has breathed it into existence.
the beauty of this secluded abode sits in its layers – intricately designed architecture with a foundation of brick, stone, and concrete softening into wood, bamboo, and leaves. every line and shape pays homage to balinese craftsmanship, with bespoke furniture and lighting inspired by the silhouettes of the region’s heritage of wood carving and traditional instruments.
The Ravine 坐落於烏布森林的中心,建築、自然與文化交織融合,超越環境與建築的界限,成就獨特的住宅地標。其名稱源自該地區陡峭的峽谷,不僅彰顯對烏布景觀的敬仰,更頌揚這片土地深厚的精神性、音樂性與工藝傳統。空間佈局承襲巴厘島神殿的語彙,每一條線條與形狀皆取材於烏布木雕與傳統樂器的輪廓,展現對當地文化的致敬與詮釋。
2024 美國AMP建築大師獎 Architecture MasterPrize – 住宅室內設計 Residential Interior – Best of Best
設計盒子 DESIGN BOX|設計,就是從小盒子玩到大盒子
設計,不僅是靈感的火花,更是一場從小盒子延展至無限可能的探索旅程。設計盒子 DESIGN BOX 以專業視角剖析居家美學,緊貼國際設計趨勢,致力於推動華語設計界的蓬勃發展。
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