將自然的語彙一筆一畫刻入空間中|恆慕設計吳信宏勇奪義大利A’ Design設計三大獎項肯定!

恆慕設計吳信宏2018年以《大成雲杉4C》、《御賞接待中心》、《惠友紳20B》三案參加義大利A’ Design設計大獎,其大器的設計手法以及設計理念明確的傳達,使作品均獲得義大利A’ Design獎項榮譽!

義大利A’ Design 設計大獎由義大利OMC設計工作室SRL、ADI和ICSID等組織成員創辦。其目的是透過市場宣傳支持好設計、創新品牌及優秀設計師、創造商機、增加設計企業的能見度、促進新興設計人才,以及與世界各地知名媒體合作,協助設計師建立國際品牌。通過長達一年的 A’ Design 獎方案與設計展,呈現當代設計創作給國際觀眾。在超過一百個競賽類別中,新思路、方法與做法跨越不同領域,在A’ Design設計大獎裡被重新詮釋,實現良好的設計實踐和服務原則。倡導全球設計的重要性,以更多對設計的理解,改造環境,共創美好未來。

2018 恆慕設計 義大利A’ Design 得獎經歷
《大成雲杉4C》榮獲義大利A’ Design 銅獎
《御賞接待中心》榮獲義大利A’ Design 設計獎
《惠友紳20B》榮獲義大利A’ Design 設計獎

 大成雲杉4C —— 印象 ‧ 美術館 / Aesthetic Charisma

DB報導|恆慕設計《大成雲杉4C》|設計盒子DESIGN BOX


Decorated with a number of mirrors, the corridor beside the entrance displays graceful atmosphere while broadening the visual space.

DB報導|恆慕設計《大成雲杉4C》|設計盒子DESIGN BOX


At the end of corridor, the shades of blue applied on the large painting artistically shows the power of life. The aesthetic charisma of ink painting makes people feel as if walking in an art museum. Adorned on the storage door, the painting demonstrates its practical functions as well.

DB報導|恆慕設計《大成雲杉4C》|設計盒子DESIGN BOX

DB報導|恆慕設計《大成雲杉4C》|設計盒子DESIGN BOX

DB報導|恆慕設計《大成雲杉4C》|設計盒子DESIGN BOX


In the hall, the sunlight and greenery scenery scattering through the large binds and glass curtains integrate the indoor and outdoor area accordantly, making entire space larger.

DB報導|2018恆慕設計吳信宏A'Design報導|設計盒子DESIGN BOX

御賞接待中心 — 以樹為鄰 / Living with Trees

DB報導|恆慕設計《御賞接待中心》|設計盒子DESIGN BOX


Designed based on the idea of “trees,” the residential sales center exhibits the concept living with trees. The comforting living style, with nature environment, presents to people the house of belonging.


As a two-floor architecture, the ground floor with tree-body framework displays lively strength. The first sight of indoor space, furnished with cement tiles and wooden walls, manifests figuratively the idiosyncrasy of trees. The white wall textures reminds people of the brick walls outside the building. The candles on the log table and the cage-style dangling lights consistently coordinate in the space. Persistent with outdoor natural atmosphere, the indoor space in which the trees swinging and birds singing presents the spirit living happily surrounded by native environment.

DB報導|恆慕設計《御賞接待中心》|設計盒子DESIGN BOX

DB報導|恆慕設計《御賞接待中心》|設計盒子DESIGN BOX


The design idea of brick walls applies to that of second floor, where the sunset shattering through the leaves display the trees shadow dancing elegantly whereabouts. On the second floor, the smooth traffic flow reflected with beauty of dusk leads people to the world in which the designer authors narratives, impressing everyone with compassion and tenderness.

DB報導|恆慕設計《御賞接待中心》|設計盒子DESIGN BOX

DB報導|恆慕設計《御賞接待中心》|設計盒子DESIGN BOX

惠友紳20B — 暮光之城 / Twilight

DB報導|恆慕設計《惠友紳20B》|設計盒子DESIGN BOX


The halls, in which the sunshine and moonlight distributing through the large windows, shows noble but elegant atmospheres. The u-shape TV wall highlights the allurement of balcony, through which the sunlight and great view spreading into the residence whereabouts.

DB報導|恆慕設計《惠友紳20B》|設計盒子DESIGN BOX


Designed for the study room as well, the reception room preserves the privacy when closing the door, while is accessible for family activity when opening it.

DB報導|恆慕設計《惠友紳20B》|設計盒子DESIGN BOX


Sprinkling through the large ceiling window, the sunlight and greenery scenery aesthetically recreate the life of countryside in the residence. As it were the nature making brush strokes, the sunlight showering on the mosaic painting made of ariston marbles exhibits the stunning artistry in the household.

DB報導|恆慕設計《惠友紳20B》|設計盒子DESIGN BOX

由書房漫歩通過的玄關空間,初極狹,纔通人的陶式手法,利用整面建築語彙的清水模牆面串接兩個起居空間,牆面巧妙安排收納櫃於無形,儘顯主題純粹之美。新東方的思維 – 天圓地方的安排,對映於牆,投射於桌。圓窗中透著光暈,如月圓時獨飲的場景,藝術精品隱入其中,羞澀掩面儘欣賞其翦影之美。本案落成當值秋末之時,正是傳統時節豐收之際。當大地色彩漸轉灰階,橘紅黃為秋分景緻增點妝彩。圓滿的設計元素,處處可見。豐收的語息也在灰色的沙發背牆上抹一份秋意。

Furnished along the corridor, the exposed concrete walls ingeniously encompassing storage spaces expose the beauty of simplicity. As the lofty role in eastern culture, the symbols of sky and earth are applied to the design of walls and tables, of which the round windows artistically express the aesthetic of moon. By the end of autumn before completing the design plan, the residence decorated with grey walls, orange, red and yellow manifests the seasonal transition as well.

DB報導|恆慕設計《惠友紳20B》|設計盒子DESIGN BOX

恆慕設計 吳信宏 總監

DB報導|2018恆慕設計吳信宏A'Design報導|設計盒子DESIGN BOX

恆慕設計 公司介紹

DB報導|2018恆慕設計吳信宏A'Design報導|設計盒子DESIGN BOX


恆慕設計 得獎經歷

2018 創新中國空間設計藝術大賽 最佳設計作品-金獎
2018 雪梨設計獎 銀獎
2018 韓國K-Design設計大獎 3優勝
2018 義大利A’Design Awards 1銅 2設計獎
2017 英國國際創意大賽LICC 榮譽獎
