在聖保羅一個住宅區的一條窄路上,一個崩壞中的混凝土建物經由Terra E Tuma建築事務所改造重獲新生,成了屋主Dalva女士安享天年的居所。
On a narrow passage in a residential neighborhood of São Paulo, architecture practice Terra E Tuma transformed a crumbling concrete building into a residential haven for an elderly woman.
Dalva女士在這棟房裡生活好幾十年了,屋況經年累月下殘敗,迫於安全考量,Dalva女士不得不暫時搬遷好讓Terra E Tuma團隊進行翻修。簡潔的外觀和刻意裸露的磚牆為本案Vila Matilda House的特色。此外,一樓設置天井連動起居、廚房等各個空間,頂層還規劃了空中菜園。
The woman had lived in the house for decades and would have needed to move out had the home not been renovated – so the team behind Terra E Tuma joined forces to modernize it within the constraints of a tight time frame and limited budget. ‘Vila Matilda House’ features a sleek interior with exposed brick walls. Additionally, there’s a green courtyard on the ground floor, which can be accessed through the various living areas and kitchen, and a vegetable garden on the ceiling.
整修期間屋主Dalva女士和一位親戚同住,Terra E Tuma團隊考量到屋主的經濟能力,盡可能縮短施工時程,讓屋主免於因外宿開銷增加而透支的窘境。在時間和預算的限制下,Terra E Tuma團隊運用磚混結構現成的粗獷美感打造宜居、機動性高的低預算美宅。
Speaking of the process behind the renovation, the architects say: “In early 2014, the house showed clear signs of deterioration and began to collapse. Ms. Dalva went on to live at a relative’s house. The new house had to be built as fast as possible, else her expenses would completely consume all savings. We used our recent experiences in exposed, structural wall blocks to erect a low-cost building, with great control and agility.”
Words: Jessica Jungbauer
All images: Pedro Kok