國際競賽報名代辦 | LIT設計大獎 & SIT傢俱設計獎 2020 線上頒獎典禮 | 設計盒子DESIGN BOX

LIT設計大獎 & SIT傢俱設計獎 2020 線上頒獎典禮

LIT設計獎在全球範圍內公開徵集,接受來自照明製造商,設計師和來自世界各地的實踐的參賽作品。由我們在照明,室內設計和建築領域的設計師和領導者組成的評審團評選,年度獲獎者將獲得LIT獎杯,向國際觀眾展示其設計和產品的廣泛宣傳等等。我們的任務:LIT設計大獎™旨在表彰國際才華橫溢的照明產品設計師和照明實施者的努力。我們認為,照明既是一門藝術,也是一門科學,並且是設計中最重要的元素之一。 LIT旨在慶祝照明產品和應用領域的創造力和創新。 成立於1985年的Farmani集團負責全球許多成功的獎項。法瑪尼集團組織了國際設計獎(IDA),建築大師獎,DNA巴黎設計獎,倫敦國際創意獎,巴黎攝影獎和年度露西攝影獎,該獎已成為世界上最負盛名的獎項之一。
LIT Design Awards is open to submissions on a global level, accepting entries from lighting manufacturers, designers, and practices from all around the world.
Selected by our esteemed jury of designers and leaders in the lighting, interior design, and architectural fields, the annual winners will receive the LIT trophy, extensive publicity showcasing their designs and products to an international audience, and more. The LIT Design Awards ™ was created to recognize the efforts of talented international lighting product designers and lighting implementers. We believe that lighting is both an art and a science, and it is one of the most important elements of design. LIT was envisioned to celebrate creativity and innovation in the fields of lighting products and applications. The Farmani Group, established in 1985, is responsible for many successful awards around the globe. Farmani Group organizes the International Design Awards (IDA), Architecture Masterprize, DNA Paris Design Awards, London International Creative Awards, Prix de la Photographie in Paris, and the Annual Lucie Awards for Photography, which has emerged as one of the world’s most prestigious awards.



2020 LIT 設計大獎 線上頒獎典禮
LIT Lighting Design Awards – Winners Announcement 

SIT Furniture Design Award™的存在是為了表彰,慶祝和推廣傑出的國際家具設計師,品牌,製造商,新興人才以及有遠見的人,他們通過創新來改善我們的日常生活。 SIT專注於“就座與超越”,獎勵了用於製造優質設備的戰略思維和想像力。該獎項向全球範圍內的參賽者開放,接受來自世界各地的設計師和新興人才的參賽作品。SIT家具設計獎創建了一個數字“創新中心”,每年重點關注突出發明,研究當今挑戰以及如何克服挑戰的主題。 “創新中心”的獲勝者將獲得現金獎勵,以實現原型或開始生產。獲獎者是由我們極富創造力的創新思維評審團和工業設計師領域的領導者評選出來的。他們將獲得SIT獎杯,入場券的數字宣傳冊,被邀請參加雙年度優勝者招待會以及廣泛的宣傳,向世界各地的觀眾展示他們的設計。
法瑪尼集團舉辦了SIT家具設計獎,以更多地關注國際家具行業對我們日常生活的巨大貢獻。 SIT家具設計獎是LIT照明設計獎(LIT),國際設計獎(IDA)和歐洲產品設計獎(ePDA)的同級獎項,這些獎項均側重於產品的美感,概念和增強。
SIT Furniture Design Award™ exists to recognize, celebrate, and promote brilliant international Furniture Designers, Brands, Manufacturers, Emerging talents as well as Visionaries enhancing our daily life with innovation. SIT focuses on “Seat and Beyond”, rewarding strategic thinking and imagination which goes into making great equipment. The prize is open to submissions on a global level, accepting entries from Designers and Emerging Talent from all around the world. SIT Furniture Design Award has created a digital “Innovation Center” focusing every year on a topic highlighting invention, look at today’s challenges, and how to overcome them. The winner of the “Innovation Center” will receive a cash prize to realize a prototype or start the production. Winners are selected by our esteemed jury of creative minds and leaders in the Industrial Designers world. They will receive the SIT trophy, a Digital brochure feathering their entry, be invited to the Bi-Annual winner reception as well as extensive publicity exposing their designs to a worldwide audience…and more benefits. Farmani Group assembled SIT Furniture Design Award to bring more attention to the international furniture industry’s great contribution to our daily life. SIT Furniture Design Award is the sibling Award of LIT Lighting Design Award (LIT), International Design Awards (IDA), and European Product Design Awards ( ePDA) all focusing on Product Esthetic, Concepts & Enhancement. The Farmani Group, established in 1985, is responsible for many successful awards around the globe. Farmani Group organizes the International Design Awards (IDA), Architecture Masterprize (AMP) DNA, Paris Design Awards, London International Creative Awards (LICC), Prix de la Photographie in Paris (PX3), and the Annual Lucie Awards for Photography, which has emerged as one of the world’s most prestigious awards.



2020 SIT 傢俱設計獎 線上頒獎典禮
SIT Furniture Design Award – Grand Winners announcements
