Miles Johnston:用藝術創造出令人恐懼又敬畏的迷人存在
邁爾斯・強斯頓(Miles Johnston)1993年出生在英國。童年在東南亞的汶萊婆羅洲度過,這對於他的創作產生了重大影響。完全不同的環境讓他很早就有一種藝術直覺,以及人生中沒有所謂的「正常」。從那時候開始,強斯頓一直對任何有助於改變對世俗的看法的事物感興趣。透過數學、物理、哲學、藝術,他一直想像如果他是第一次看到周圍的世界,這種感受讓他感到一種崇高、可怕、令人敬畏的存在感。
I was born in the UK in 1993. I spent the first few years of my early childhood living in Brunei, Borneo, something that I am sure had a major effect on me. The totally different environment gave me the intuition early on that there is no true ‘normal’. In hindsight I have always been interested in anything that helps to transform my perception of the mundane. From mathematics, physics, philosophy, art, I always wanted to see the world around me as if for the first time. I have always felt a sense of the sublime, terrifying, awe inspiring strangeness of being.
強斯頓接下來的生活都在英格蘭漢普郡。少年時參與藝術論壇,參與學習5年,18歲移居瑞典,在瑞典現實主義藝術學院就讀。現在在同一所學校兼職擔任講師同時致力於創作。在過去的幾年裡,他的作品在網路上找到了觀眾,並開始在國際上展出,更於 2018 年在紐約的 Last Rites 畫廊舉辦了首次個展。
The rest of my school years were in Hampshire, England. After getting involved in art forums as a young teenager and participating and learning for 5 years, I moved to Sweden to study at the Swedish Academy of Realist Art at the age of 18. Now I work part-time as an instructor at the same school whilst working on developing my own body of work. Over the past couple of years my work has found an audience online and started to be exhibited internationally, culminating in my first solo show in New York at Last Rites Gallery in 2018.
I work primarily in graphite and oils, using the human form as a vehicle to attempt to process the intensity and profound strangeness of the collective human experience. The distortions and transformations my subjects undergo serve to represent the experience of our internal state during crucial moments in our lives. Instead of focusing on literal representations of the world, I depict the surreal and abstract qualities of our subjectivity with the goal of creating works with a deep emotional resonance.
I have a strong sense that art makes the world a better place, and I am giving all I can to be of service in this way. My work means whatever it means to you.
Source: Miles Johnston