My face my body美妝產品設計獎 協助代辦報名
MyFaceMyBody Awards現在是全球範圍內最大,最受認可的獎項計劃,旨在表彰快速發展且令人振奮的行業中的創新和客戶卓越。 在2019年,獎勵計劃進一步敞開大門,允許來自全球任何國家的參賽作品。 除了獲得地區認可外,還將向每個本地獲獎者提交機會,以使其獲得總體全球獲獎者的榮譽。
The MyFaceMyBody Awards, now the largest and most highly recognized awards program globally, celebrates the innovation and customer excellence within a fast-growing and exciting industry. In 2019 the awards program opened its doors even further to allow entries from any country across the globe. In addition to being recognized regionally, each local winner will be submitted for the chance to be awarded the accolade of the overall global awards winner.
全球最權威、最專業、經驗最豐富的國際獎項報名代辦團隊,設計盒子DESIGN BOX 隆重推薦 My face my body美妝產品設計獎,讓您的作品站上世界的舞台。
設計盒子DESIGN BOX期待與您一同走向世界。