普立茲克獎授獎「無關國籍、種族、宗教或思想」;受獎者可獲得獎金十萬美元、獎狀,以及自1987年起增頒的銅質獎章一只。獎章背面的拉丁文銘刻—firmitas, utilitas, venustas(中文:堅固、適用、美觀)—源自羅馬建築師維特魯威。1987年前,受獎者可獲得限量亨利·摩爾雕像與獎金。
It is awarded annually by the Hyatt Foundation in recognition of “living architects, whose architectural works show the blend of their talents, foresight and dedication, and through the art of architecture, set up a continuation of humanity and the built environment and are of great significance. “Contribution”, founded in 1979 by Jay Pritzker and his wife Cindy, and funded by the Pritzker family; the Pritzker Architecture Award is recognized as one of the world’s most important architectural awards. “Nobel Prize”.
The Pritzker Prize awards “irrelevant nationality, race, religion or thought”; the recipients will receive a prize of US$100,000, a certificate, and a bronze medal since 1987. The Latin inscription on the back of the medal—firmitas, utilitas, venustas (Chinese: sturdy, practical, and beautiful)—from the Roman architect Vitruvius. Before 1987, the winners could get limited Henry Moore statues and bonuses.
日期截止:每年的11月1號 (提名)
最終得獎公佈:2022 /4月
頒獎典禮: 2022年5月
國際獎項代辦報名專線:(02) 2571-2565
行動電話:0911-225-488 (蘭先生)