藉由此專案開始操作了解,歷史紋理與公共空間場域的過去與現在的記憶連結,我們保留了舊時宿舍的牆面,開啟故事的伏筆,公園的入口是彎曲的樹影牆面,透過擠壓空間,塑造過去舊有巷道空間印象,穿過竹林後,空間連結至中央的文學步履步道,步道的終點是園區的精神象徵,超過百年的大榕樹,靠近開放的自立街邊是墨痕詩牆區,利用大平台與墨痕詩牆作為社區最好的交流空間,透過解構日式庭園的空間結構,並加入更多文學活動, 連結過去日式時期的中庭印象。我們保留舊有芒果大樹,在大樹下增加了書夾亭與開卷有益椅等街道家具,形成公園裡較為靜謐適合閱讀的空間,延伸至種子文學平台空間,利用開放的平台作為講堂的戶外空間延伸,帶入更多文學劇場,傳遞文學的可能。
Walking in the literature of city that becomes the scenery in your poem.
The design project of “Taichung Literacy Museum and its surrounding landscape parks” hopes to convey the profound historical and literacy developments in Taichung, and provides for people a cozy environment where the local features and lifestyles could continue over time. Therefore,the flowing rivers, the shades of trees, the laughter of children, footsteps sound of walking on gravel, and the earthy scents altogether embody the wonderful histories and lives. Leaves sprouting among stones and the imperfection of broken stone walls create harmonious interdependence between people and scenery.
Utilizing space that constitute Taiwan and Taichung ’s historical path, Taichung Literacy Museum and its surrounding landscape parks can also be viewed as a sketch of Taichung literacy that provides diverse public spaces for local residents. This area is surrounded by a well-developed public transportation system so that anyone can conveniently pay a visit here. As to long-distance transportation, people can at first take the train and get off at Taichung Railway Station, then coming here either by bus, taxi or on foot.
The design project of “Taichung Literacy Museum and its surrounding landscape parks” focuses on breaking boundaries of spaces-the amicable interaction between the public space and surrounding environment; integrating areas-creating the characteristics for the public space and history; combining the memories of literacy; rearranging the connection of open space between the historical sites and parks. The designers hope to reconcile the space of community and integrate the connections of parks with the distinctive design skills.With the guidance of historical space, people can discover the literatures and poems behind the history and nature, thus having the entertaining and educational experience of space. In the space, the shades of trees, lights and vintage walls spawn the poetic ambience. The installation art “Storytelling of Old Wall” decorated alongside the alleys is intriguing.
The “Information Center-Literature Wall” elaborates the beauty of shades of trees, the “Literary Forest” reveals the philosophical feeling, the charming “Poetry Wall” and the performance area of “Literary Square,” all of which expose the fun of words. In the space with the artistic features of lights, shadows. The open “Literary Square” is accessible for outdoor lectures and literary activities. In addition to combining the historical features, we retain the old mango tree, under which is decorated with literary-style booth and seat that generate a soothing atmosphere. The open space from Literary Forest to Literary Square is constructed with the restroom building, the wall of which also functions as a projection screen for movies. The open “Literary Square” is accessible for outdoor lectures and literary activities.
