



這是一個充滿故事性的空間,用紅色盒子盛裝漢堡的精緻漢堡店,從走進店內到打開漢堡盒,就如同打開潘朵拉的盒子般,視覺與味覺都驚喜連連。LE ROUGE的誕生乘載著屬於男人的年輕夢想,吃著美式食物,看著投影布幕中的球賽,有自己的私領域蒐藏喜好品,還有歡迎哥們三五成群的聊天休憩,種種滿足了生活中的多元互動。店內為小坪數的狹窄空間,最大挑戰即為要擺上工作大吧檯,但又須兼顧美觀與設計感,並保持空間的流暢性。在團隊的集思廣益下,才有了現在的「迴力鏢型ㄑ字型」的吧檯呈現,充滿流暢折弧比例的一個基本型,相當有利於地處狹小店面的迎賓角度,呈現富有張力感的廚房空間。




業主希望以對地球環境友善的回饋,來降低對新建材的使用率,並將預算控制在範圍裡,又不影響空間的裝潢質感,在經多次的熱烈溝通後,最終以工業風格的呈現來定調此作品。加上設計師對質材的細節相當重視,不因預算而有所降低空間整體的表現與品質。於是乎設計團隊們再取材與裝潢的手法表現上,激發出無限的潛能與創意,團隊再經過將近半年的時間裡,到處蒐羅質感極佳的古舊建材與可再利用的廢棄物,希望空間的雕琢呈現是真正帶有歲月感積累,也具工業風格的舊手感,讓所有走進LE ROUGE裡的人,都能感受到如同打開潘朵拉盒子般的驚嘆感受。


進入店內可感受到濃濃的懷古感動,牆面上鋪貼著由老房子拆下的,充滿泥水和舊油漆痕的古舊紅磚,對剖後當成壁磚作拼貼,整面古舊紅磚裝飾的牆面,呼應著店名 – 紅盒子的意象。店內包覆樓梯口樑柱上的船甲板舊木、每階樓梯邊不規則的金色銅管護欄、與古紅磚牆前的船艙防爆燈,都是由蘇澳港的廢棄船隻上所拆卸下再行修復再製,噴漆上漆或加工,讓裝置更多的歲月古味。洗手台為老礦坑的廢棄金屬桶,內砍不銹鋼的面盆,一種新與舊的融合應用。舊水管的彎頭因為老舊早已失去水壓的耐受性,將彎曲朝上還可作吊掛用途。老舊工廠裡的十六宮格工具櫃相當具有歲用手感,修復後整裡噴漆,在店內馬上成為一端景。設計師說,大部份的建材並非只想表現空間感而已,其實在這樣一個充滿驚喜的空間理,件件都已成為獨立故事的端景,我們只須營造出和諧的搭配,讓物件自然自成,自己說故事,就是一個成功的空間了。


Inspired from the image of Pandora box, the restaurant decorated mostly in red amazes customers, from the perspectives of food or design style. People can have American-style food and watch sport plays, while either staying alone or having fun with friends.


Given the limited space, the biggest challenge is decorating the restaurant with big bar that considers both visual and practical demands, making the bar into boomerang-style appearance. The design of boomerang-style bar makes working better while generating visual strength in the meantime.


While distinguishing the smoking and non-smoking spaces, the design of glass curtains breaches the space boundary. The glass curtains are designed into 4 pieces and faces, and 16 points that makes the architectural structure sustainable for wind blowing. Without losing the quality of design while applying environmental-protection materials, the designer favors LOFT style. The design team shows design skills by recycling wastes from construction materials, and overhauling into ornaments that make customers feel the surprises opening Pandora box.


The walls decorated with rough red bricks, which bring to people the nostalgia to the image of red box. That, the old-fashion deck woods on the pillar columns, the coppers along the staircase and the vapor-proof derrick lights, display the quaint atmosphere. Moreover, the scrape metals refurbished into basin and the wasted water pipes display the attitude brining old culture to modern world. The tool kit, in 16-palace grid, has become a part of adornments as well. Quoted from the designer, the construction materials make completion by harmonious connection to space characteristics.

室內設計|臺中 欣磐石建築設計-嶺東商空 紅盒子|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
室內設計|臺中 欣磐石建築設計-嶺東商空 紅盒子|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
室內設計|臺中 欣磐石建築設計-嶺東商空 紅盒子|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
室內設計|臺中 欣磐石建築設計-嶺東商空 紅盒子|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
室內設計|臺中 欣磐石建築設計-嶺東商空 紅盒子|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
室內設計|臺中 欣磐石建築設計-嶺東商空 紅盒子|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
