

元衡設計- 朱妤榆








空間後側為帶狀休憩空間,沙發錯落擺置,長桌上垂墜的燈飾有如水母於深海飄逸,火樹銀花,金銀閃爍,猶如深海之境。 前行繼續進至其他空間,古典東方元素融合現代電光娛樂,挪用經典以今會古,摺疊線性時空放入園中空間,帶領來訪者共赴歡愉饗宴。


This spatial planning design project is a private club, the narrow and long house form is separated horizontally with the center as the axis, adopting two-way symmetric design; the spatial layout is smooth and eclectic, containing wine tasting area, wine storage area, banquet hall, Tripitaka Library and a small rest area.


The interior design is based on the theme of Buddhism classics and oriental-style, fused with unique modern geometrically-cut light-belt design, showing symbiosis of vintage and modern styles; the unique electric mechanism takes people inside the hidden paradise featuring sophisticated and luxurious spatial atmosphere, demonstrating the beauty of layers and variations. 

The deep and wide area of the private club progressively arranged each space into a different atmosphere through meticulous planning. With a double square style as the foundation, the guest-welcoming lobby is used as the hub connecting to the various atmospheres, corresponding to the owner’s favored oriental sentiment.


One has to pass through the electric mechanism in order to go inside, where one may then be redirected to the various atmospheres through the patterned hollow wall. The Tripitaka Library collects the entire set of Chinese Buddhist Canon on the circular antique shelf, reproducing the royal family times through the white starlight sprinkling down from the ceiling.

Passing through another glass wall similar to an antique shelf will arrive at the flourishing metallic shimmering wine tasting area created using Champagne Armand de Brignac, while the external wall resembles a Chinese style courtyard, and rainbow colors vary on the upper space of the interior, with irregular geometrical ceiling extending to the facades of the space, thereby forming a unique wall surface design with the transparent wine storage shelf, and the space resembles a modern cave filled with unique spatial quality.

The rear part of the space is of belt-shaped rest area with scattered sofa, and the suspending lighting decoration above the long table appears to be a jellyfish swimming leisurely in the ocean, the resplendent and glittering atmosphere resembles the paradise in the deep ocean.

Continue to go forward towards other spaces, where classical oriental elements are fused with modern electric light entertainment, and the classics are used to meet the past with the present, placing the folded linear space-time into the club space to take visitors for a pleasant feast.

室內設計|臺北元衡設計-柏泰園|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
室內設計|臺北元衡設計-柏泰園|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
室內設計|臺北元衡設計-柏泰園|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
室內設計|臺北元衡設計-柏泰園|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
室內設計|臺北元衡設計-柏泰園|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
室內設計|臺北元衡設計-柏泰園|設計盒子DESIGN BOX

