


因應環保趨勢,裝修材料的選擇,減少環境浪費並採用較合宜的裝潢材料,達到綠建築的永續性,整體設計,採用永續發展綠能策略中Reuse(回收)、Recycle(再生)策略的概念,部分造型材料採用天然薄石板,表面是純天然岩石切割而成,減少大量運用石材厚板造成的環境迫害,一部分則減少天花板的修飾,節省材料使用,降低能源消耗。 點燃了東方現代風情,蘊藏著古韻,張揚著摩登,是貫穿始終的主線和基調,給時光以生命,給歲月以文明,以現代設計手法描摹,將古典優雅引入現代時空,以藍為牽引,獨特的印花元素,或濃墨重彩,或清幽雅致,若留白之上的潑墨,演繹了一場東方美學的盛宴。空間設計由此開始,把歲月鋪開。以「藍韻」為牽引主線,在大格局的留白之上,以一組組極具體驗性的場景故事為獨特手法,打造了一個現代藝術語言為表達,卻極具東方特色的空間意境。現代生活語境,東方文化意境,彼此交互穿插,輔以精雕細琢,最終達成了一幅獨具儀式感的現代東方之呈現。


Located by The Grand Canal riverside, an advantageous location inheriting thousands of years of culture, this design project presents the rich history. The canal that has been flowing quietly for thousands of years helps the nature and human landscape be cultivated; it connects in all directions of the country, being praised by people down the ages.
In response to the trend of environmental sustainability, the designer especially chose the building materials to reduce the waste and achieve sustainability of the green building. The overall design adopts the concepts of reuse and recycle which is in the green energy strategy. Thin stone slabs are used as the material of some model; they are made of natural stone. Besides, thin stone slabs can reduce the persecution caused by the abundant use of stone veneer. The ceiling ornamentation is diminished as well to save the usage and furthermore cut down the energy consumption. The project is designed in oriental modern style; however, the obscure ancient charms are contained inside. Time is to life what age is to civilization. While the space is depicted in a modern way, it also be introduced with some classic elements. By using blue as the traction, the unique pattern interprets the figure of Asian aesthetics.
The design started with time. Based on “blue” as the main feature, the designer left the space blank with a unique storytelling technique, building a space with modern style and ancient Chinese characteristics. The two elements intertwine with each other, and then turn into a presentation of modern oriental culture.

室內設計|上海岳蒙設計-濟寧融創濱江壹號下疊|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
室內設計|上海岳蒙設計-濟寧融創濱江壹號下疊|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
室內設計|上海岳蒙設計-濟寧融創濱江壹號下疊|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
室內設計|上海岳蒙設計-濟寧融創濱江壹號下疊|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
室內設計|上海岳蒙設計-濟寧融創濱江壹號下疊|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
