傳說在大陸的盡頭,有一個神秘的世界,天空、地面、地下,分別是不同的王國,他們或可愛,或有趣,或奇幻吸引著許許多多的冒險家一探究竟……節點式打造主題樓層,在商場里創建一個天馬行空的國度。設計的初始,在三層兒童業態樓層設立「奇幻王國」,分別為 「魔法王國」、「嘎吱王國」、「礦洞王國」,分別對應了天空、地面、底下三大區域。使顧客在不同的區域感受神奇的空間。另外在四層運動業態的樓層里設立一場熱血運動會,提取各種運動元素結合空間的整體打造,分別有籃球的「顛倒世界」、網球的「易燃易炸」、衝浪的「十項全能」,在樓層里從視覺上感受運動帶來的激情與熱血。
三層主題層【奇幻王國】【蘑法王國】地面上有一個蘑法王國,生長著神秘的超級蘑菇屋,聽說它,掌管著蘑法森林里時間的奧秘,門口那只石化的貓頭鷹曾經想進去偷取奧秘,結果只能永久的在這裡看守。每天夜裡,這裡都會變得五光十色,小蘑菇們可以到處走動,只是太陽升起來的瞬間,它們又變回原樣。【嘎吱王國】嘎吱王國本來是不嘎吱的,有一天,有個奇怪的傢伙,乘著一個嘎吱嘎吱的飛艇,帶著一堆破銅爛鐵,來到這裡……【礦洞王國】礦洞王國是整個世界的經濟來源,這裡盛產水晶,交通發達,修建了許多的軌道,用以運輸它們… 四層主題層【熱血運動會】【顛倒世界】取自籃球運動,充分體現比賽速度、高空爭拼、場地區域的空間感受,同時讓顧客視覺震撼的同時加深融入感。【易燃易炸】選取網球比賽的場地進行延申,三個網球場縱橫交錯構成,天花上球拍與網球行進的軌跡使人很切實的感受網球帶來的運動感【十項全能】衝浪是一項十分考驗體能和耐力的比賽,以天花為載體,倒轉的海浪不斷的跌宕起伏,通過裝飾材料模擬衝浪運動的刺激,軟裝衝浪板的配合,也起到引導顧客追求運動的衝動。
There’s a legend that a mysterious world exists somewhere the end of the continent composed of the kingdoms of sky, earth and underground spaces, all of which are adorable, amusing or whimsical that attract many adventurers to here.The floors with different themes are designed into sections, where altogether bring about an imaginative world in the shopping mall. In the initial phase of design project, the theme of “Fantasy Kingdom” specifically designed on the 3rd floor for children consists of “Mushroom Kingdom,” “Creaking Kingdom” and “Mining Kingdom,” which individually symbolizes sky, earth, and underground spaces. The different spaces allure people differently. The theme of “Energetic Sport Competition,” on the 4thfloor, encompasses diverse sport shops and energetic elements inclusive of “Upside Down” that stands for basketball, “Flammable and Explosive” that exemplifies tennis, and “Decathlon” that represents surfing, all of which visually bring out passion and fiery spirit of sports. The 3rd floor, “Fantasy Kingdom.”“Mushroom Kingdom”
It is said that there’s a mushroom kingdom on earth, in which growing a mysterious super mushroom house securing the secrecy of time in the mushroom forest. The petrified owl, by the door, evidences a failure to steal the mystery, therefore cannot do anything but to stand here forever.
This place is splendid every night, where the little mushrooms walk around before sunrise.“Creaking Kingdom”Creaking Kingdom was not creaking before a weird came here on a creaking airship that carried a pile of junks.“Mining Kingdom” Supporting the global economy, Mining Kingdom is rich in crystal deposits, and has well-developed transport network by repairing numerous tracks.The 4th floor, “Energetic Sport Competition.” “Upside Down” The design idea of Upside Down came from basketball that is all about speed, competition and atmosphere of space, while creating visual-shocking and immersive experiences for customers. “Flammable and Explosive” This area composed of three imaginative tennis courts, where the ceiling adornments artistically resembling tennis rackets and balls create the immersive feeling of tennis competition.“Decathlon” Surfing is physical and endurance challenging. The waving ceiling figuratively mimic the excitement of surfing. The ornaments resembling surfboards stimulate customers’ interest in surfing as well.
