
主辦機構(DAA-Design Award Agency)為國際知名設計師提供一個能在線上展示他們優秀作品的平台。DAA – 設計獎機構將才華橫溢的設計師與設計獎和競賽聯繫起來,在國際設計行業開闢新的商業機會和宣傳關係。
The DAA-Design Award Agency provides a platform for internationally renowned designers to showcase their outstanding work online. The DAA – Design Awards agency connects talented designers with design awards and competitions, opening up new business opportunities and promotional relationships in the international design industry.
「Arch」It is a symbol of many well-known buildings, a deceptively simple but structurally vital element, a visual bridge between the inside and the outside. The Arch Design Awards select some of the most interesting, well-designed, innovative and green technology-using solutions in architecture and interior design, with great design value in addition to functional and appropriate use of materials and integration into the environment. The awards recognize talented designers who look forward to increasing their recognition and visibility around the world through the awards.
早鳥截止:2024/6/1, 報名費200歐元
一般截止:2024/10/1, 報名費300歐元
晚鳥截止:2025/2/1, 報名費400歐元
最終截止:2025/3/1, 報名費500歐元

國際獎項代辦報名專線:(02) 2571-2565
行動電話:0911-225-488 (蘭先生)