

澳洲設計獎 Australian Design Award


BETTER FUTURE(原DRIVENxDESIGN)是一個總部位於澳洲的全球設計推廣組織,負責主辦世界各地的設計,以及舉辦全球規模最大的設計獎項。每年在全球各大城市巴黎、倫敦、柏林、雪梨、墨爾本、紐約、上海、香港、米蘭等所成立的設計大獎,表彰優秀的設計作品,已成為全球設計界的最大盛事,並吸引數位普立茲克得主Zaha Hadid、Norman Foster、Herzog & de Meuron參與競逐桂冠。 隨著科技發展與全球新創蓬勃,具改變性的設計絕對扮演重要角色。


BETTER FUTURE 競賽組織,全球社群成員眾多,超過115,000人,包括9600多個品牌和3100多個設計工作室。大家一同合作,共同創新、推動發展,並滿足日益增長的對設計的需求。在2022年,我們慶祝了超過6320億美元的設計項目,同時成功提高了1556個設計項目的知名度。這項成就非常驚人,也展現了我們社群領域的活躍程度和影響力。


這些數字不僅代表了BETTER FUTURE的規模和實力,也證明了其在推動創新、發展和滿足設計需求方面的成功。透過全球設計菁英與人才的聚集,促進設計領域的交流、合作和分享,進一步推動設計行業的發展。


澳洲設計獎的主題為「Better Together」,靈感來自於「Uluru Statement of the Heart 發自肺腑的烏魯魯宣言 」。澳洲的歷史雖然充滿挑戰,但通過時間和努力,這些問題都能得到解決。我們擁有一個令人驚豔的未來,一個更加美好的明天——這是一個包容、公平、永續且經濟強健的未來——這正是BETTER FUTURE的核心價值。

BETTER FUTURE (formerly DRIVENxDESIGN) is a global design promotion organization headquartered in Australia, responsible for hosting designs around the world and organizing the world’s largest design awards. The Design Awards, established every year in major cities around the world such as Paris, London, Berlin, Sydney, Melbourne, New York, Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Milan, commend outstanding design works and have become the largest event in the global design community, attracting digital professionals. Ziq winners Zaha Hadid, Norman Foster, Herzog & de Meuron are competing for the crown. With the development of technology and the boom of global innovation, transformative design will definitely play an important role.


BETTER FUTURE competition organization has a large global community of more than 115,000 people, including more than 9,600 brands and more than 3,100 design studios. We work together to innovate, drive development, and meet the growing demand for design. In 2022, we celebrated more than $632 billion in design projects while successfully raising the profile of 1,556 design projects. This achievement is astonishing and demonstrates the vibrancy and influence of our community.


These numbers not only represent BETTER FUTURE’s scale and strength, but also demonstrate its success in driving innovation, development and meeting design needs. Through the gathering of global design elites and talents, we promote exchanges, cooperation and sharing in the design field and further promote the development of the design industry.


The theme of the Australian Design Awards is “Better Together”, inspired by the “Uluru Statement of the Heart”. Australia’s history is full of challenges, but with time and hard work, these problems can be solved. We have an amazing future, a better tomorrow – a future that is inclusive, equitable, sustainable and economically strong – which is the core value of BETTER FUTURE.



一般截止:2024/10/3, 報名費:559.35澳幣
最終截止:2024/11/14, 報名費621.5澳幣

圖片出自獎項官網 Images are from the official awards website

國際獎項代辦報名專線:(02) 2571-2565
行動電話:0911-225-488 (蘭先生)