“我們設計工藝,不只是給人留下深刻印像或與眾不同,那也是我們自己對於實現完美的前提。” 我們的故事源於德國黑森林邊緣的生活。這個貧困的農民世代相傳地勉強維持生計。為了解決這一問題,該地區的貴族統治者馬格雷夫·路德維希·威廉·馮·巴登(Margrave Ludwig Wilhelm von Baden)進行了多元化經營。他於1683年在Rotenfels建立了冶煉廠,並在嘉格納建立了錘磨和釘子鍛造廠。工作之間的生活越來越圍繞美食。準備,享受,討論它,越來越多地發生在一個房間裡。如果說廚房是家庭的心臟,那麼嘉格納就是廚房的靈魂。專業的廚房原則是我們的基礎。與配料一樣,專業的設備必須具有最高的質量,並在最終菜餚中添加一些東西。對於私人廚房,我們使用相同的方法,但增加了美學的層面。
“We do things a certain way, not to impress or differentiate, but because that is what is required to achieve perfection.” Our story springs to life on the edge of the Black Forest. This was an area of poor farmers barely scratching out a living, generation after generation. To tackle this, the aristocratic ruler of the region, Margrave Ludwig Wilhelm von Baden, diversified. He established a smelting plant in Rotenfels and a hammer mill and nail forge in Gaggenau in 1683. The life between work increasingly revolves around cuisine. Preparing, enjoying, discussing it, all occurs increasingly in one room. And if the kitchen is the heart of the home, then Gaggenau is the soul of the kitchen. The professional kitchen principle is our foundation. Professional equipment, much like ingredients, must be of the highest quality and add something to the final dish. We use the same approach for the private kitchen, but with the added aesthetic consideration. Given these means and the passion, the private chef can produce professional results, time and again.

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