


中聯發Citymark旗艦館 T:04-24265899 A:台中市西屯區環中路一段2085號
軟裝飾品展館 | 台中新光三越 T:04-22548974 A:台中市西屯區臺灣大道三段301號7樓


GLOBAL VIEWS 於1997年在美國達拉斯創立的家居品牌,主力經營全球家居高端產品以及高檔空間設計和實現,GLOBAL VIEWS 以對家居時尚的創新性思維而聞名,致力於將最好的家居飾品帶給市場,並與眾多知名設計師合作,如Barbara Barry、Christiane Lemieux、Julia Buckingham、Roger Thomas,多樣化的產品展示了設計師豐富的想像力和充沛的情感,使產品展現優雅、精緻、休閒以及迷人的異國情調。
GLOBAL VIEWS 在全球範圍搜索資源,從波蘭手工吹製的玻璃到義大利複雜的手工陶瓷,從越南充滿異國風情的木材到中國精緻典雅的瓷器,從印度美麗的手工紡織品到中國北部工匠打造的金屬製品,不論是從構想到設計,再到最終產品的誕生,每一件產品最初都始於一支鉛筆和一張紙,GLOBAL VIEWS 對細節和品質的關注,讓每一件產品都極具藝術精品,皆是原創設計獨特之美感。
GLOBAL VIEWS 始終專注於一件事:創建一件能夠提升其擺放空間的珍貴藝術品,每一件設計都以提升陳設空間視覺與生活實用機能的家居藝術品,融合了經典與永恆的文化底蘊、時尚與新潮的時代活力,感受文明的多樣性,接觸截然不同的設計品味和設計風格,最終形成對家居裝飾全新的品鑑能力。

GLOBAL VIEWS started as a home brand in Dallas in the US, 1997, mainly running the business of global home products of high end and spatial design and realization of high class. GLOBAL VIEWS is reputed for innovative ideas about home brand fashion. We dedicate ourselves to bringing the best domestic decorations to the market, and corporate with many famous designers, such as Barbara Barry, Christiane Lemieux, Julia Buckingham and Roger Thomas. Such diverse display of products shows the imagination and affection in designers’ mind, which makes the products elegant, exquisite, playful, attractive and exotic.
GLOBAL VIEWS searches resources worldwide: from the Milanese Glass Blowing to Italian Pottery; from exotic timbers in Vietnam to delicate ceramics in China; from the beautiful Indian clothing made by hand to the metal crafted by smith in the northern China. Either conception to design, or the birth of the final product, every single product begins with a pen and a piece of paper. GLOBAL VIEWS’ attention for the detail and quality, in order to make each product an artistic boutique, is the sense of beauty out of original design.
GLOBAL VIEWS always focuses on one thing: Make one precious artwork that glorifies the room it sits. Each design is an artwork that increases the visuality of the furnishing space and daily usage, combining classics and eternal essence of the culture, vitality of fashion and new trend, which makes people to feel the diversities of the civilization, and to accept distinctive taste and style of design. Finally, GLOBAL VIEWS gives people whole new ability to appreciate home decorations.

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進口軟裝飾品推薦 |Global Views|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
進口軟裝飾品推薦 |Global Views|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
進口軟裝飾品推薦 |Global Views|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
進口軟裝飾品推薦 |Global Views|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
進口軟裝飾品推薦 |Global Views|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
進口軟裝飾品推薦 |Global Views|設計盒子DESIGN BOX


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Global Views . Studio A Home 美式軟裝飾品