

意大利 Henge 傢俱的理念就在於否定既定想法和工業原則,從而使我們的生活更加安全,創造了一個擁有完全獨特性的設計,連接每個客戶和每個體驗的想法不是一件的傢俱,但與旅行的伴侶。Henge產品都是嚴格按照手工工藝標準在意大利製造,並沒有採用大批量生產線和工業管理制度,由此以來,在意大利製造的產品世界中,手工工藝仍然是一種寶貴財富,並且與時俱進的保持了與自然的同步。源自於眾多人的滿腔激情、卓越的製造品質和每一處生產細節中都能體現的精雕細琢。經過時間磨礪的豐富閱曆和獨特手工工藝是Henge產品的內在基因。 Henge 傢俱產品的設計誕生於當今時代。但是卻採用了傳承優良傳統的精湛手工工藝打造而成,還毫不妥協的利用了新式技術和舊式生產方法,雖然不再新穎,但卻形成了Henge的文化、歷史和傳統。Henge產品具有獨樹一幟的特徵、外觀和材質,這些元素能夠彼此融合,來體現Henge對家居的理念和闡釋現代生活的獨特方式。正如那些能夠扮演不同角色的偉大演員一樣,Henge的傢俱產品在進入千家萬戶的同時,以其獨樹一幟的風格為每個家庭賦予了全新的理念和價值。

The idea of ​​Italian Henge furniture is to deny established ideas and industrial principles, thereby making our lives safer and creating a completely unique design that connects each customer and each experience. The idea is not a piece of furniture, but with Travel companion. Henge products are manufactured in Italy in strict accordance with manual craftsmanship standards, and do not adopt mass production lines and industrial management systems. Since then, in the world of products made in Italy, manual craftsmanship is still a valuable asset and keeps pace with the times Keep in sync with nature. It comes from the passion of many people, the excellent manufacturing quality and the meticulous craftsmanship that can be reflected in every production detail. The rich experience and unique craftsmanship honed over time are the inherent genes of Henge products. The design of Henge furniture products was born in the present era. However, it is made with exquisite craftsmanship that inherits the fine traditions. It also uncompromisingly uses new technology and old production methods. Although it is no longer novel, it forms the culture, history and tradition of Henge. Henge products have unique characteristics, appearances and materials. These elements can be integrated with each other to reflect Henge’s concept of home furnishing and a unique way of interpreting modern life. Just like those great actors who can play different roles, Henge’s furniture products have entered thousands of households, and at the same time they have given new ideas and values ​​to each family with their unique style.

進口傢俱推薦 |Henge|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
進口傢俱推薦 |Henge|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
進口傢俱推薦 |Henge|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
進口傢俱推薦 |Henge|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
進口傢俱推薦 |Henge|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
進口傢俱推薦 |Henge|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
進口傢俱推薦 |Henge|設計盒子DESIGN BOX


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