

噶瑪蘭是宜蘭的舊稱,最早的原住民族以踏實辛勤 將此地耕耘成一塊瑰寶,冀望回饋土地賦予的恩賜,噶瑪蘭威士忌以此為名 讓金黃酒液的醇香映出這片寶地的美麗風情 金車集團創辦人李添財董事長 源自嚮往一座百年酒廠的起點,夢想一個威士忌的新故鄉 噶瑪蘭巡訪踏遍蘇格蘭與日本知名的威士忌酒廠,以信念完成挑戰,用毅力克服萬難 終而創建台灣唯一自行磨碎、糖化、發酵、蒸餾、熟成、調配的威士忌酒廠 於是噶瑪蘭酒廠誕生於台灣這座美麗之島,在山海交融的蘭陽平原 擁百年雪山的純淨水源將甘美柔順之水、幻化成為威士忌的動人靈魂 迎面太平洋的海風和水氣,亞熱帶氣候的交替更迭伴隨橡木桶緩慢呼吸山海獨特的芬芳 天地的自然精華,孕育出風味無可比擬、令世界著迷的噶瑪蘭威士忌 噶瑪蘭威士忌秉持金車企業的突破創新與堅守品質 持續將台灣的優質威士忌推向世界各地,讓寶島美名發揚國際

Kavalan is the old name of Yilan. The earliest aborigines Plowing this land into a treasure, hoping to give back to the gift of the land, Kavalan whisky is named after this Let the mellow aroma of golden liquor reflect the beauty of this treasure Chairman of King Car Group Li Tiancai From the starting point of longing for a century-old winery, dreaming of a new hometown of whiskey Kavalan visited famous whisky distilleries in Scotland and Japan, completed challenges with faith, and overcome all difficulties with perseverance In the end, the only whisky distillery in Taiwan that self-grinds, saccharifies, ferments, distills, matures and blends So Kavalan Winery was born on the beautiful island of Taiwan, in the Lanyang Plain where the mountains and the sea meet. The pure water source of the 100-year-old snow mountain turns the sweet and soft water into the moving soul of whiskey The sea breeze and moisture facing the Pacific Ocean, the alternate subtropical climate, accompanied by oak barrels slowly breathing the unique fragrance of mountains and seas The natural essence of heaven and earth bred the Kavalan whisky with unparalleled flavor and fascinating the world Kavalan Whiskey adheres to the breakthrough innovation and quality of King Car Enterprise Continue to promote Taiwan’s high-quality whiskey to the rest of the world, and make the island famous internationally.

經典品牌酒推薦 |Kavalan Whisky|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
經典品牌酒推薦 |Kavalan Whisky|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
經典品牌酒推薦 |Kavalan Whisky|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
經典品牌酒推薦 |Kavalan Whisky|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
經典品牌酒推薦 |Kavalan Whisky|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
經典品牌酒推薦 |Kavalan Whisky|設計盒子DESIGN BOX
經典品牌酒推薦 |Kavalan Whisky|設計盒子DESIGN BOX


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