
倫敦國際創意大賽總部設在倫敦國際知名的藝術中心,2008年6月LICC舉辦了首屆頒獎晚會。這競賽每年舉行一次頒獎儀式和年鑑出版。它也是促進有才華的藝術家和國際觀眾間的核心平台。LICC概念最初由兩位藝術家發起, Farmani集團於2006年建立了許多慈善機構,企業和組織,包括屢獲殊榮的VUE雜誌、露西獎(攝影奧斯卡獎)、巴黎PX3-PRIX DE LA PHOTOGRAPHIE、紐約的Farmani藝術畫廊、ANET通信和設計獎。
LICC邀請來自各地熱情的視覺藝術家將他們的創新作品參與LICC競爭。藝術品通過視覺藝術由國際傑出的董事會評鑑。評審團選出候選人名單和最終得主並刊登在LICC年度大獎年鑑中,同時也在官網上公開這些藝術創意給全球的媒體。唯一一位年度最佳獲獎者將通過從15名決賽選手名單中由陪審團選出, 並獲得£2,000英鎊獎金。而獲獎的十五名得主各將獲得LICC獨特的獎杯。獎杯由VOID公司的建築師ARSHIA設計, 每個獲獎者將會收到LICC獎盃板塊。當每個獎盃結合在一起,就會形成一個完整的藝術作品,就像一個拼圖。在LICC 10週年之際,都會將藝術家齊聚一堂,以自己的獎杯展示他們改變了獎盃的歷史面貌。屆時,這些板塊將結合, 重新組合並在倫敦的展覽上展出。
The London International Creative Competition is headquartered in London’s internationally renowned art center. In June 2008, LICC hosted the first awards evening. This competition holds an award ceremony and the publication of the yearbook every year. It is also a core platform for promoting talented artists and international audiences.The LICC concept was originally initiated by two artists. Farmani Group has also established many charities, enterprises and organizations in 2006, including the award-winning VUE magazine, Lucy Award (Oscar Award for Photography), focusing on AIDS, International Photography Award , PX3-PRIX DE LA PHOTOGRAPHIE in Paris, Farmani Art Gallery in New York, ANET Communication and Design Award.
LICC invites enthusiastic visual artists from all over to participate in the competition of LICC with their innovative works. The artwork is judged by the internationally outstanding board of visual arts. The jury selects the list of candidates and the final winners and publishes them in the LICC Annual Awards Yearbook. At the same time, it also publishes these artistic ideas to the global media on the official website.The only winner will be selected by the jury from the list of 15 finalists and will receive a prize of £2,000. The fifteen finalists will each receive a unique trophy from LICC.The trophy was designed by VOID’s architect ARSHIA, and each finalist will receive a LICC award slate block. When each trophy is combined, a complete artwork is formed, just like a puzzle. On the 10th anniversary of the LICC, artists will gather together to show their changed trophy history with their own trophies. By then, the films will be united, reassembled and exhibited in the London exhibition.
建築設計項目: 商業建築、機構建築、宗教建築、住宅樓、大學、學院、學校建築、飯店、宗教性建築、永續性建築、博物館
室內設計樣目: 室內設計、 概念性建築設計、休息娛樂空間、博物館、宗教建築、永續設計
傳達設計項目: 品牌傳達、LOGO設計、海報、小型列印、廣告、媒體、社群網站、網頁設計
概念設計項目: 3D概念、動畫
概念設計項目: 建築、室內設計、3D概念、動畫
早鳥截止:2024/7/20, 報名費:建築/室內類別54美金(學生27美金),其他類別36美金(學生18美金)
一般截止:2024/8/20, 報名費:建築/室內類別57美金(學生28.5美金),其他類別38美金(學生19美金)
晚鳥截止: 2024/11/22, 報名費:建築/室內類別60美金(學生30美金),其他類別40美金(學生20美金)

國際獎項代辦報名專線:(02) 2571-2565
行動電話:0911-225-488 (蘭先生)