
服務費每案:NTD 31500元(費用不含報名費、得獎後費用)
天空設計獎是對公司和個人在建築,室內設計,視覺設計和產品設計領域的卓越成就的認可,其對產生有意義社會影響的卓越設計項目進行表彰。天空設計獎創造了全球設計師與公司之間的合作機會,使設計師能通過該獎項提陞技藝及設計發展, 促進創意交流。該獎項旨在繼續認可和培養更多與全球建築師和室內設計公司進行跨文化合作的項目。
The Sky Design Award recognizes companies and individuals for their outstanding achievements in the fields of architecture, interior design, visual design, and product design. It recognizes outstanding design projects that have a meaningful social impact.The Sky Design Award creates opportunities for collaboration between designers and companies around the world, enabling designers to use this award to enhance their skills and design development, and promote creative exchanges. The award aims to continue to recognize and cultivate more projects for cross-cultural cooperation with global architects and interior design companies.
Note: The award ceremony, design exhibition and design trophy are all held in Tokyo, Japan; supported by most Japanese design agencies
(such as JCD, IDM Tokyo, JIDA, etc.); headquartered in Canada, with offices in Tokyo, Japan.
參賽類別:建築獎, 室內獎, 景觀獎, 照明獎, 產品獎, 傢俱獎
報名截止:2022/4/10, 報名費450美金

國際獎項代辦報名專線:(02) 2571-2565
行動電話:0911-225-488 (蘭先生)