
服務費每案:NTD 31500元(費用不含報名費、得獎後費用)
Pinacothèque 是盧森堡大公國的私人博物館,其總裁兼創始人是歐洲最有影響力的藝術收藏家之一 Hervé Lancelin。
盧森堡藝術獎的決賽入圍者已經建立了強大的國際網絡。自 2015 年以來,來自世界各地的許多藝術家有幸入圍享有盛譽的盧森堡藝術獎。但這只是他們故事的開始!形成這個網絡的藝術家們一起不斷地在世界各地分享專業藝術。如果你今年也有機會加入這個獨家網絡會怎樣?這個網絡將為你的藝術生涯起到決定性的關鍵作用!
The Pinacothèque is a private museum in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Its president and founder is Hervé Lancelin, one of the most influential art collectors in Europe.
Each year, the Pinacothèque awards the Luxembourg Art Prize to talented amateur or professional artists, regardless of their age, nationality or country of residence. Spurred on by its president and founder, the Pinacothèque contributes to the influence of international contemporary art in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. It discovers little-known talents from all over the world and gives them the means to achieve a long-term career on the professional art circuit.
Since it was created in 2015, the Luxembourg Art Prize aims to launch or boost the careers of artists at the international level by giving them a sound reference to add to their curriculum vitae.
The finalists of all the editions of the Luxembourg Art Prize have forged a strong international network. Since 2015, dozens of artists from all over the world have had the honor and the good fortune to have been finalists for the prestigious Luxembourg Art Prize. But that is just the beginning of the story for them! Together, the artists that form this network continuously share professional art opportunities throughout the world. What if you, too, had the chance to join this exclusive network this year? This network can play a decisive role in the trajectory of your artistic career!
報名截止:2025/9/30, 報名費:69$ 美金

國際獎項代辦報名專線:(02) 2571-2565
行動電話:0911-225-488 (蘭先生)