BSL AWARDS 現在是英國最大、完全獨立的、無忠誠和非贊助的美容、健康和美容獎項。同時是The Beauty Shortlist (2009)、The Beauty Shortlist Mama & Baby Awards (2014) 和 The Beauty Shortlist Awards (2012) 的創始人。該獎項於 2017 年走向全球,吸引了來自澳大利亞、韓國、日本、美國和歐洲等 38 個國家的參賽作品。
這些獨立且 100% 無贊助商的全球獎項旨在表彰由行業專家所評估的年度得分最高的具母嬰道德、環保之品牌和產品。獎項的公正性和包容性是對產品的最佳禮讚,這意味著每個品牌都有機會參與,無論預算、規模或出處如何,並分享在一個能為他們帶來更廣泛認可的平台。獎項有一個重要目的:展示卓越品質、表彰道德品牌、推廣更有機、無浪費的生活方式,並提供 100% 值得信賴的專家級指南,以了解如何在飽和及被過度炒作的市場中保持美麗與健康。
The BSL AWARDS are now the UK’s largest, completely independent, allegiance-free and non-sponsored beauty, wellbeing and grooming awards.He is also the founder of The Beauty Shortlist (2009), The Beauty Shortlist Mama & Baby Awards (2014) and The Beauty Shortlist Awards (2012).The awards went global in 2017 attracting entries from 38 countries, including Australia, Korea, Japan, the USA and Europe.
These independent and 100% sponsor-free global Awards celebrate the highest-scoring ethical mother, baby and eco lifestyle brands and products of the year, evaluated by industry experts.
A true celebration of the best, the awards’ impartiality and inclusiveness mean that there’s an opportunity for every brand to take part irrespective of budget, size or provenance, and to share a platform that brings them wider recognition.
The awards serve an important purpose: to showcase excellence, honour ethical brands, promote a more organic, waste-free way of living and provide a 100% trusted, expert-ranked guide to the very best in beauty and health in a crowded, often over-hyped marketplace.
報名費:1~2個產品£150英鎊, 3~6個產品£250英鎊
國際獎項代辦報名專線:(02) 2571-2565
行動電話:0911-225-488 (蘭先生)