
服務費每案:NTD 31500元(費用不含報名費、得獎後費用)
BETTER FUTURE是一個由設計師、思想家、戰略家和設計愛好者組成的全球社群。每年在全球九大城市巴黎、倫敦、柏林、雪梨、墨爾本、米蘭、紐約、上海、香港所成立的設計大獎,表彰優秀的設計作品,已成為全球設計界的最大盛事。並吸引數位普立茲克得主Zaha Hadid、Norman Foster、Herzog & de Meuron參與競逐桂冠。
DRIVENxDESIGN擁有超過75,000名會員,5,000個品牌和1,500個工作室的全球社群 – 共同創新、成長及增加對設計的需求。我們讚揚設計豐富了人類生命的體驗及那些在設計投入心力創作的人們。 設計是人類對技術的應用,我們相信設計是以商業為基礎經由文化帶給用戶。 我們稱之為企業範圍設計。所以現今的社會可以利用最有效、經過驗證和最容易理解的方法-設計,來加速轉型和創新。
DRIVENxDESIGN is a global community of designers, thinkers, strategists and design enthusiasts. The annual design awards established in the nine major cities around the world: Paris, London, Berlin, Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, New York, Shanghai, and Hong Kong, to commend outstanding design works, have become the largest event in the global design world. And attracted several Pritzker winners Zaha Hadid, Norman Foster, Herzog & de Meuron to compete for the crown. Known as the city of design, the Paris Design Awards attracted more than 12,000 entries in 2021. Among more than forty categories, only one gold award in each category, four silver awards, shorlist and selection numbers, are in fierce competition Among them, Da Jun’s architectural work “Taichung Precision Machinery” won the silver award in the architectural category. The beautiful lines of the building, the delicate planning and layout, and the emphasis on environmental protection design are the keys to the winning of this work. DRIVENxDESIGN has a global community of more than 75,000 members, 5,000 brands and 1,500 studios-to innovate, grow and increase demand for design together. We commend design for enriching the experience of human life and those who devote themselves to design. Design is the application of technology by humans. We believe that design is brought to users through culture based on business. We call it enterprise-wide design. Therefore, today’s society can use the most effective, proven and easiest to understand method-design, to accelerate transformation and innovation.
室內- 共同工作&工作室空間/組織和商業/ 酒店/ 酒吧夜店/ 國際共同工作&工作室空間/ 國際商業/ 國際酒店/ 國際住宅/ 國際公共空間與機構/ 住宅/ 國際銷售中心/零售/ 國際零售/旗艦&展示廳
照明- 照明設計
產品- 運動/ 辦公室/ 家&花園/ 家居用品/ 個人用品/ 教育/ 醫療/ 商業&產業/ 娛樂/ 概念/科技
一般截止:2025/2/20, 報名費559.35澳幣
最終截止:2025/5/22, 報名費621.5澳幣

國際獎項代辦報名專線:(02) 2571-2565
行動電話:0911-225-488 (蘭先生)