Saint-Louis 創立於一五八六年,為全世界最古老的玻璃製造商之一,至今已經有四百多年歷史,也是一直遵循傳統全手工生產的水晶製品工廠。隨著法王路易十四在位期間的三次重大軍事戰爭,不斷的提高法國境內工業的稅收導致廠商紛紛出走,路易十四為了挽回在工業製造上頹勢,利用皇家資產一次購買了二十多家玻璃製造商,後來成立的Campagnie des Glaces,也就是Saint-Louis的前身。1767年路易十五授予了它們Verrerie Royale de Saint-Louis 聖路易士皇家玻璃名號,而水晶的製造配方則是在十五年後才由廠內主管François de Beaufort研究破解出來。 Saint-Louis 在水晶工坊主要分為兩個,看似簡單的手法其實學習時間通常為3~5年,水晶預先於本體標示幾條簡單均分線後,透過經驗直接切割圖案剛開始接觸的工匠可能連一個圓點圖案都下不了手,而需要製做大件作品,工匠的經驗至少需要十年以上,越大越難掌握圖案的均衡度。Saint-Louis最常使用的蝕刻雕花紋路為薊[Thistle],除了24K金外也有鉑金。Saint-Louis 另一特色,為能融入各種不同原料製作顏色,大概有十五種不同顏色。所有帶色彩的水晶切割作品像Tommy, Apollo等等都需要兩層水晶,外面用顏色的,裡面用透明,工匠再用口吹的方式把兩層水晶吹在一起。之後的切割會根據設計把顏色部份的花紋割掉。
Saint-Louis was founded in 1586. It is one of the oldest glass manufacturers in the world. It has a history of more than 400 years. It is also a crystal product factory that has always followed the traditional manual production. With the three major military wars during the reign of King Louis XIV, the continuous increase in taxes on the industry in France caused manufacturers to leave. In order to restore the decline in industrial manufacturing, Louis XIV used royal assets to purchase more than 20 glass at a time. The manufacturer, later established Campagnie des Glaces, which is the predecessor of Saint-Louis. In 1767, Louis XV awarded them the title of Verrerie Royale de Saint-Louis, and the crystal manufacturing formula was researched and deciphered by the factory supervisor François de Beaufort only 15 years later. Saint-Louis is divided into two main crystal workshops. The seemingly simple technique actually takes 3 to 5 years to learn. After the crystal is marked with a few simple average lines on the body in advance, the pattern is directly cut through experience. A craftsman may not even be able to make a single dot pattern, and needs to make large works. The craftsman’s experience needs at least ten years. The larger the pattern, the more difficult it is to grasp the balance of the pattern. Saint-Louis’ most commonly used etching pattern road is thistle [Thistle], in addition to 24K gold, there is also platinum. Another feature of Saint-Louis is that it can be mixed with various materials to make colors. There are about fifteen different colors. All colored crystal cutting works like Tommy, Apollo, etc. require two layers of crystals. The outside is colored and the inside is transparent. The craftsman blows the two layers of crystal together by mouth blowing. The subsequent cutting will cut off the pattern of the color part according to the design.

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