VILLA LUMI擁有70年的經驗,是燈光比賽的專家。 葡萄牙照明公司的創始人和玻璃工弗洛里亞諾·費雷拉·達席爾瓦(Floriano Ferreira da Silva)夢想擁有自己的企業,開始了自己的旅程。如今,該品牌繼續將精湛的工匠技藝與卓越的材料相結合,專門從事場景竊取玻璃和金屬設計。最初在斯蒂芬斯兄弟工廠學校(Stephens Brothers Factory School)從事玻璃行業,曾夢想著擁有自己的生意。 他要求休假一年,1941年,在第二次世界大戰期間,在一個小作坊裡,他首先切割了用於裝飾枝形吊燈,燈和燭台的各種部件。 但是,他決心將自己的夢想變成一個成功的項目,並於1985年決定創建LDA F. Ferreira da Silva公司,這一名稱一直延續至今。
With 70 years experience, Villa Lumi is a virtuoso in the lighting game. The Portuguese lighting company began its journey when founder and glassworker Floriano Ferreira da Silva dreamt of owning his own business. In 1941, he asked for one year’s leave from work and began cutting different glass components to decorate chandeliers, lamps and candelabras. Today, the brand continues to combine the skills of master craftspeople with exceptional materials, specializing in scene-stealing glass and metallic designs. Having an early start in the glass industry at the Stephens Brothers Factory School, Floriano Ferreira da Silva used to dream of having his own business.
He asked for a one-year leave from work and in 1941, during World War II, in a small workshop, he started by cutting a large variety of components which were used to decorate chandeliers, lamps and candelabras.
He was, however, determined to change his dream into a successful project, and in 1985 he decided to create the company F. Ferreira da Silva, LDA, a name which stands to this day.

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