大塊設計- 施佑霖
因業主喜好綠色,設計師將各綠色單元鑲嵌其中,書房收納櫃成為公共空間的視覺主體, 以深綠色烤漆搭配不規則金屬邊框的立面分割呈現,開洞處櫃底以灰鏡鋪陳,在反射和光線的變化下,帶出不同層次和角度的視覺變化。素面牆以灰綠色油漆呼應深綠主調,廚房場域則以黑白和木質深色框起,不須特別分隔場域,以材質和色調巧妙的將開放空間劃分,創造寬敞明亮的公共空間。
The case was initially structured yet unfinished with its interior design. Besides the original arrangement of materials and standard choices of furniture, the designer is able to build up the rest of the space into a comfortable residency based on users’ needs.
For the lighting design, the surrounding of the case’s location doesn’t have a lot of tall buildings to block the natural sunlight shining in. Thus, the balcony introduces excellent lighting with greenery planted outside. A great natural lighting contributes to the main lighting design of the space, giving a comfortable and refreshing atmosphere, broadening the spatial perception.
The flow of the space is designed based on the habits of the users. The public area is divided into three major sections: Living room, the study and the dining room. Under this arrangement, without downgrading the functions of each area, the design can provide what the residents need just with slightly different changes within the details.
Since the owner’s favorite color is green, the designer decides to blend the color in different places. The book shelves behind the sofa take on the primary visual theme of the public area. With a greyish mirror used at the back of the shelving, dark green baking and irregular metal trimming on the surface, it produces different layers of reflection and changes of lighting. In general, the walls are painted plain light moss green, corresponding to the green tone of the space. As for the kitchen, the dark colors are chosen to be the main tone, combining with white circular mosaics, juxtaposing with the other spaces.
The designer uses an identical design language and different details to define each space. Same strategy is used in private spaces. With wooden floors and other different materials combined, big-sized of the same elements used here make the color of the space much more corresponding. With a great use of lighting design and the outside scenery as the best natural decoration, it builds up the atmosphere of comfortness without needing to emphasize the style of the space.
